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10MarStartup and Sustainability: Interview with Fili PariAt this pivotal moment when sustainability is more of a focus than ever (as confirmed by the publication of the draft Directive of the European Commission on corporate sustainability due diligence), we are pleased to offer the next installment in our “Startups and Sustainability” interview series. We interviewed the team behind the all-female startup Fili Pari, which since 2020 has been transforming marble dust into ready-to-wear fashion. Co-founders Alice Zantedeschi and Francesca Pievani talked to us about their project and their ideas about sustainability.
22FebPortolano Cavallo: Maria Balestriero joins as of counselPortolano Cavallo is growing its intellectual and industrial property practice group and strengthening its focus on Life Sciences by welcoming Maria Balestriero as of counsel
12JanMobilità sostenibile in Europa e in Italia: position paper ACEA sulla proposta di Regolamento AFIR; il PNRR e le realtà delle città metropolitaneLa “European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association” si è recentemente espressa, con un position paper, sulla Proposta di Regolamento sulle Infrastrutture per i Combustibili Alternativi, mirante a garantire la disponibilità e la fruibilità di una rete capillare e fitta di infrastrutture per carburanti alternativi in tutta l’Unione Europea.Article filed under: Automotive & Mobility
21DecStartup and sustainability: Interview with HexagroSustainability, an important current issue and a mission that affects us all deeply, across society, is the driving force behind the interview series “Startup and Sustainability.” The first interview is with the startup Hexagro, a project created in 2013 based on a concept by Felipe Hernandez, co-founder and CEO. The startup officially launched in 2016, after establishing itself in Milan.
9DecL’IA nei dispositivi medici: le prime linee guida FDA per la “Good Machine Learning Practice”La categoria dei software come dispositivi medici, che include tecnologie di intelligenza artificiale e machine learning, è una priorità dal punto di vista della regolamentazione sanitaria in quanto sono ancora molti i profili di incertezza a livello normativo. Ecco perché sono importanti le linee guida FDA
9DecThe Italian Competition Authority fines a Big Tech company €1.128B for abuse of dominance by making exclusive advantages for its online marketplace conditional upon the purchase of its logistics services (Amazon)On December 9, 2021, the Italian competition authority (the “ICA” or “AGCM”) has levied its highest ever administrative fine—€1.128 billion—on Amazon Europe Core S.à r.l., Amazon Services Europe S.à .r.l., Amazon EU S.à r.l., Amazon Italia Services S.r.l., and Amazon Italia Logistica S.r.l. (collectively, “Amazon”) for abusing their dominant market position in breach of Article 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (“TFEU”) .
26OctItalian Bankruptcy Law: An endless saga?While waiting for the new crisis and insolvency code (the “Bankruptcy Code”) to come into force, in August 2021 the Italian government released yet another installment in the saga of the reform of Italian bankruptcy law. Law Decree 118/2021 (the “August Decree”) amends a few sections of the Italian bankruptcy law (Law 267/1942: “Italian Bankruptcy Law”) and with immediate effect implements certain tools of the Bankruptcy Code that the government deemed urgently needed in the post–Covid-19 economy.
19OctSanità digitale, sfruttare i dati tutelando la privacy: le raccomandazioniMedTech Europe suggerisce strumenti giuridici per la sanità digitale, idonei a ridurre le barriere legali che attualmente limitano l’utilizzo e i vantaggi che potrebbero derivare dal trattamento dei dati sanitari. A partire dall’empowerment del paziente. Più efficacia, privacy e innovazione con la Legal health
8OctAs of October 15, 2021, in Italy, no salary without a Green PassThe Italian government has enacted what is known as the “Green Pass bis Decree” (Law Decree no. 127 of September 21, 2021), introducing urgent measures to ensure the safe performance of public and private work through the extension of the scope of application of COVID-19 green certification (“Green Pass”) and the strengthening of the screening system.
6OctThe EU Court of Justice issues a long-awaited judgment clarifying the extent of an undertaking’s liability in follow-on actions (Sumal / Mercedes Benz Trucks España)On October 6, 2021, the Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice of the European Union (the “ECJ” or “Court”) issued a long-awaited decision in case C-882/19, Sumal SL (“Sumal”) v Mercedes Benz Trucks España SL (“MBTE”) [1]. The judgment shed light on whether, under EU competition law, the victim of an anticompetitive practice may pursue a “follow-on” action against the subsidiary of a parent company, even when only the parent was found liable for antitrust infringement by decision of the European Commission (“Commission”).