Our commitment to sustainability, like our commitment to diversity, grows out of the firm’s culture and the personal values of its people, rather than marketing needs or current trends.
“For us, sustainability is much more than a gadget created using recycled materials: it is attention to social matters, inclusion, and diversity; attention to human rights.”
Manuela Cavallo, MAG by Legalcommunity, September 16, 2019
👉 Read the full interview (Italian)👉 Read the full interview (Italian)
In our offices, we have done the following for many years:
- we avoid using paper (by limiting the use of printers, digitizing our archives and our brochures)
- we have eliminated plastic (we installed purified water dispensers, and everyone has free access to reusable cutlery, glasses, and plates)
- we are eco-sustainable when it comes to our promotional materials (fully recycled paper banners, 100% cotton bags).
In September 2019, Manuela Cavallo was Chair of the Organizing Committee of the 57th edition of the AIJA (Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats) annual congress, held in Rome, which was titled “Sustainability and the Law: Planet. People. Future.”. Among other initiatives, Portolano Cavallo provided all Congress participants with reusable water bottles (see picture above).
In 2020, we created internal committees, made up of professionals and staff members, that periodically meet and discuss ideas for improving life in our offices and general wellbeing. One of these is the “Sustainability Committee”, which is dedicated to formulating and implementing proposals for sustainability initiatives for the firm to follow.
To celebrate #WorldEnvironmentDay 2020, we brought to completion a project that we had been…cultivating for a few years: we planted 40 cocoa trees in Cameroon, thanks to Treedom.
In 2022, 2023 and 2024, we expanded our forest: it is now made up of 165 trees, planted across Cameroon, Colombia, Kenya, Ghana, Haiti, Malawi, Madagascar, Nepal, and Tanzania, which offset more than 44 tons of CO2 emissions.
In 2024, we have planted another forest in Madagascar thanks to Kipin, our provider of digital business cards, and their partnership with Tree Nation. The new forest, composed by 67 trees of Rhizophora mucronata, offsets further 3.35 tons of CO2 emissions.
👉🌳 Take a look at our forest on Treedom👉🌳 Take a look at our forest on Treedom
👉🌳 Take a look at our forest on Tree Nation👉🌳 Take a look at our forest on Tree Nation
We have realized the “Startups and Sustainability” interview series, which stems from the need to turn our attention to such a sensitive and topical issue as sustainability, a mission that affects all of us closely, especially from a social point of view.
👉 Read the interviews👉 Read the interviews
📰 "Le aziende preferiscono l’avvocato eco-sostenibile", NT Plus Diritto, 9.09.2019📰 "Le aziende preferiscono l’avvocato eco-sostenibile", NT Plus Diritto, 9.09.2019
📰 "Sostenibilità e diritto: al via la 57a edizione dell’International Young Lawyers Congress", Legalcommunity, 28.08.2019📰 "Sostenibilità e diritto: al via la 57a edizione dell’International Young Lawyers Congress", Legalcommunity, 28.08.2019
📰 "Aija a congresso a Roma sulla sostenibilità", Sole 24Ore, 29.09.2019📰 "Aija a congresso a Roma sulla sostenibilità", Sole 24Ore, 29.09.2019
📰 "Giovani avvocati in campo per la sostenibilità", MAG by Legalcommunity, 16.09.2019📰 "Giovani avvocati in campo per la sostenibilità", MAG by Legalcommunity, 16.09.2019