Portolano Cavallo works with an international focus: over 60% of our clients are headquartered abroad, mainly in the United States and most of our work is done in English. The firm, therefore, advises clients on issues of a transnational nature, requiring an understanding of other legal systems in collaboration with professionals from other jurisdictions and the ability to manage cultural differences.
Top Partnerships
We are not affiliated with foreign law firms. We collaborate with firms from various countries, leaders in their respective fields, not under exclusivity arrangements, but because of the quality of our work and service.
International Thinking
All our professionals are able to interact with clients in English and French.
Their training program includes internal courses and workshops abroad to perfect their English, as well as orientation and Master’s courses on the Anglo-Saxon and USA legal systems. Most of our professionals have also worked or studied abroad for significant periods of time.
French Desk
Portolano Cavallo’s French Desk provides legal assistance to French or Francophone firms who wish to expand into the Italian market, or, if already operating in Italy, require specialized legal assistance in support of their activities.
German Desk
The Portolano Cavallo German Desk provides high-level legal advice and assistance in German to clients in the DACH countries and Alto Adige. The mission of the German Desk is to help clients overcome linguistic and cultural barriers in order to reach their business goals.