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17AprPortolano Cavallo announces the appointment of Alessandro Tanno as partnerWith Alessandro Tanno's appointment, the number of partners rises to 21
18MayStartups and Sustainability: Interview with MUGOOur “Startups and Sustainability” interview series continues with a third guest. For this episode, we had the pleasure of interviewing Benedetto Ruggeri, co-founder and CEO of MUGO. The company’s goal? To create the first climate-neutral generation.
10MarStartup and Sustainability: Interview with Fili PariAt this pivotal moment when sustainability is more of a focus than ever (as confirmed by the publication of the draft Directive of the European Commission on corporate sustainability due diligence), we are pleased to offer the next installment in our “Startups and Sustainability” interview series. We interviewed the team behind the all-female startup Fili Pari, which since 2020 has been transforming marble dust into ready-to-wear fashion. Co-founders Alice Zantedeschi and Francesca Pievani talked to us about their project and their ideas about sustainability.
21DecStartup and sustainability: Interview with HexagroSustainability, an important current issue and a mission that affects us all deeply, across society, is the driving force behind the interview series “Startup and Sustainability.” The first interview is with the startup Hexagro, a project created in 2013 based on a concept by Felipe Hernandez, co-founder and CEO. The startup officially launched in 2016, after establishing itself in Milan.
1MarWhat innovators say: Interviews with the main stakeholders in the innovation sceneUmberto Milano from Kellerhals Carrard talks about the evolution of the Swiss VC market, the impact of COVID-19, his experience on cross-border transactions between Switzerland and Italy and the most challenging clauses recently negotiated.
10SepThe latest on startup regulations in the COVID-19 eraLegislative activity related to the startup world did not stop over the summer. With the conversion of the Decreto Rilancio (Relaunch Decree) into law, amendments were introduced to certain sections that were already in effect, and additional regulations geared to supporting the startup ecosystem and innovative SMEs were added.
11FebCompliance privacy per la startup, quello che devi sapereAvviare una startup e iniziare un nuovo business non è mai un’impresa semplice: sebbene esistano le agevolazioni, il contenimento dei costi – evitando quelli non strettamente necessari – rappresenta sempre un obiettivo del giovane imprenditore che inizia.
26JulStartup e-commerce, ecco la legge che vi salverà dal geo-blockingE-commerce senza confini per le piattaforme online Il 25 maggio 2016 la Commissione europea ha pubblicato la proposta di un pacchetto integrato di misure volto ad eliminare gli ostacoli all’e-commerce tutt’oggi esistenti in Europa. Obiettivo primario è la creazione di un mercato unico europeo anche sul fronte digitale. L’intervento di poche settimane fa è parte…
26MayThe regulation on ‘innovative’ startups in ItalyThe Italian government in the past few years enacted a new regulation, which have recently been amended and updated (the ‘Regulation’),[i] aimed at encouraging innovation through the creation and development of new companies qualified as ‘innovative startups’.Article filed under: Startup
4FebConcluso l’iter del decreto per le agevolazioni fiscali alle start up innovativeIl 31 gennaio scorso si è concluso l’iter che ha portato all’adozione del decreto interministeriale recante la disciplina di dettaglio sugli incentivi fiscali per gli investimenti in startup innovative, effettuati da aziende e privati negli anni fiscali 2013-2016. L’ultima pietra è stata posta con la firma del ministro Fabrizio Saccomanni, che fa seguito a quella…Article filed under: Startup