Portolano Cavallo provides legal advice to companies operating in complex and evolving sectors: it is a leader in the Digital-Media-Tech and Life Sciences-Healthcare sectors.

In all these areas, Portolano Cavallo is recognized by multiple legal Italian and international rankings and awards.
Technical excellence, although essential, is not enough to satisfy clients’ expectations. Client satisfaction also depends on the quality of service. Our firm applies service levels that are typical of the legal profession in the United States and United Kingdom, characterized by accessibility, availability, responsiveness and reliability in meeting deadlines. For example, we return calls as soon as possible, generally within two hours; we are available outside normal business hours if required; we communicate with our clients and others in a comprehensible manner that is appropriate to their background.
Depending on our agreement with the client, our fees may be computed on an hourly basis, with flat fees, etc.
Our firm is especially conservative in recording and charging for the services it provides.
For example, when billing on an hourly basis:
- we believe it is fundamental to learn about our clients’ business, industry and approach – we do not charge for the time that we devote to this activity
- we do not charge for travel time
- when more than one professional attends a meeting, we do not automatically charge the client for each professional’s time, but instead assess the value added by each of the participants
- if a new professional is involved in a matter, we do not charge for the time that s/he spends in getting up to speed.