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18AprAncora incerta la tutela delle opere generate con intelligenze artificialiIl caso del fumetto Zarya of the Dawn, le cui immagini sono state generate con Midjourney, sottoposto all’U.S. Copyright Office. Cosa afferma il Copyright Registration Guidance Usa
22FebPortolano Cavallo: Maria Balestriero joins as of counselPortolano Cavallo is growing its intellectual and industrial property practice group and strengthening its focus on Life Sciences by welcoming Maria Balestriero as of counsel
17SepCOVID-19: New measures to tackle copyright infringement and unfair commercial practicesOn May 19, 2020, the Italian government adopted decree law no. 34, setting out urgent measures with immediate effect to support health, work, and the economy, as well as social policies related to the epidemiological emergency (the “Decree”).
8JunPerché è illecito l’uso nelle rassegne di articoli a riproduzione riservataQuesto articolo a firma di Ernesto Apa e Francesco Portolano è stato pubblicato in data 7 giugno 2020 sul quotidiano finanziario Il Sole 24 Ore ed è stato pubblicato su questo sito con il consenso dell’editore.
23MarCOVID-19 and IP rights: production of life-saving respiratory valves using 3D printersThe Covid-19 health emergency poses new challenges to legal rule. A hospital’s recent production of respiratory valves using a 3D printer has prompted reflection on intellectual property rights.
12JanStabilità 2016: le novità nel mondo mediaSul finire dell’anno, come di consueto, l’attività dei due rami del parlamento è stata dedicata alla discussione e approvazione della legge di stabilità. La stabilità 2016 approvata in via definitiva dal Senato con legge 28 dicembre 2015, n. 208 contiene diverse disposizioni incidenti sul settore media.Article filed under: Entertainment, Internet & Ecommerce, Privacy & Cyber Security, Intellectual Property, Advertising, Promotion, Technologies, Television
4MarECJ clarifies Database Directive scope in screen scraping caseOn January 15, 2015 the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) handed down a decision concerning the interpretation of Directive 96/9/EC on the legal protection of databases (Database Directive) in a case concerning the extraction of data from a third party’s website by means of automated systems or software for commercial purposes (so…
13FebThe Swatch Group VS Bloomberg L.P. – Pubblicazione di informazioni finanziarie e fair useLa Corte d’appello di New York ( US Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit), con sentenza del 27 gennaio 2014, ha ritenuto che la condotta di Bloomberg L.P., consistente nella pubblicazione online, senza autorizzazione e a propri abbonati, del contenuto della registrazione di una conference call tra la società svizzera The Swatch Group e…Article filed under: Intellectual Property
8JanItaly regulates digital copyright enforcementOn December 12, 2013 the Italian Communications Authority (AGCOM) approved a new regulation on the enforcement of copyright in the context of online and audiovisual media services.This regulation will enter into force on March 31, 2014 and will require compliance with new policies and procedures. A groundbreaking innovation in the Italian and European media landscape for…Article filed under: Brand, Rights, Dispute Resolution, Internet & Ecommerce, Intellectual Property, Regulatory
18SepColor trademark protection in the fashion industryColors and combinations of colors have been increasingly used to distinguish and identify the origin of products. For example, one could point to the blue and silver colors of the Red Bull can, the teal of Tiffany’s jewellery boxes, the bright red featuring on the soles of Louboutin’s high heels, Cadbury’s use of purple for its chocolate packaging and so on…