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4NovL’intelligenza artificiale nel settore legale: stato dell’arte e scenari futuriCon l’aumento esponenziale della capacità di calcolo e con la tendenziale diminuzione del costo di accesso, sta aumentando il numero di professionisti del diritto in grado di accedere a soluzioni di intelligenza artificiale, che faranno sempre più parte dell’armamentario standard richiesto dai clienti ad avvocati e giuristi
2NovCOVID second wave: The October Law Decree called “Decreto Ristori” – employment measuresBy means of Law Decree No. 137/2020 (the “Law Decree”), known as the “Decreto Ristori,” the Italian government is extending the emergency measures adopted via the August Decree in order to contain the negative effects of the second wave of infection on the employment marketplace.
30OctNew measures to digitalize criminal investigations and proceedings in the midst of the pandemicThe second wave of COVID-19 infections has led the Italian government to come up with new measures to prevent the justice system from grinding to a halt and contagion from spreading in the courts.
29OctThe COVID-19 pandemic and its effect on civil proceedings: where do things stand?Law Decree No. 137 of 2020, which entered into force on October 29, 2020 and was issued following the sharp increase in COVID-19 cases over the past few weeks, fully confirmed previous measures aimed at enhancing the use of technology in civil proceedings.
27OctCommercial leases in the COVID-19 pandemic: An update on the latest court trends on negotiating opportunitiesThe consequences of the spread of the COVID-19 virus have weighed heavily on all aspects of the economy.
26OctRegulation (EU) 2018/858: New EU type-approval rules for safer and cleaner carsStarting September 1, 2020, a new European vehicle type-approval framework will be in place, as European Regulation (EU) 2018/858 (the “Regulation”) has entered into force.
20OctEuropean Commission opened a public consultation on motor vehicle block exemption regulationOn October 12, 2020, the European Commission opened a public consultation to assess whether the objectives of Commission Regulation (EU) No. 461/2010 of May 27, 2010 on the application of Article 101(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to categories of vertical agreements and concerted practices in the motor vehicle sector (the “MVBER”) have been achieved.
15OctForeign investment control in the life science sector: the scope of the Italian Government’s powers also in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemicTo which extent do Italian foreign control regulations affect corporate transactions involving Italian target companies operating in the life sciences sector?
14OctVenture Capital Watch: Interview with Lorenzo Pisoni (PCUP)For our series of interviews with players of the venture capital industry, we asked Lorenzo Pisoni, Founder of PCUP, how the COVID-19 has changed its business and is affecting the future plans of his company.
12OctTelemedicine: Lombardia and Piemonte give the green light to televisitsSince this summer, two additional regions have agreed to allow and recognize televisits at the Regional Health System’s expenses.