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11GiuAcquisitions of companies involved in the medical devices business fall under the Italian foreign investment controlMore than 2 months ago the Italian Government issued certain measures with the purpose of expanding its power to veto or impose conditions on acquisitions of, or other transactions involving, Italian targets operating in certain strategic sectors.
9GiuDecreto Rilancio: overview of the main measures to support business and companies in ItalyGeneral overview of the additional measures set forth by Decreto Rilancio aimed at supporting Italian companies and businesses affected by the COVID-19 ongoing emergency.
9GiuItalian Competition Authority approves two emergency cooperation projects: one for joint distribution of surgical masks and one common moratorium scheme on consumer lendingFor the first time the Italian Competition Authority applied the communication of April 24, 2020, on cooperation agreements in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak. The two cooperation projects concern the joint distribution of surgical masks and a common moratorium scheme on consumer lending.
8GiuPerché è illecito l’uso nelle rassegne di articoli a riproduzione riservataQuesto articolo a firma di Ernesto Apa e Francesco Portolano è stato pubblicato in data 7 giugno 2020 sul quotidiano finanziario Il Sole 24 Ore ed è stato pubblicato su questo sito con il consenso dell’editore.
5GiuCOVID-19: courts step up to protect businesses forced to shut downCOVID-19 emergency measures are starting to make their way into court decisions concerning businesses affected by the lockdown measures.
5GiuFashion industry: the supply chain in Coronavirus timesThe business slowdown due to the COVID-19 epidemic and the subsequent shutdown of production facilities have involved most industries and sectors, including fashion.
3GiuThe impact of COVID-19 on the arbitration worldThe outbreak of COVID-19 has significatively impacted our lives, and chances are it will continue to do so.
3GiuConfidentiality of arbitration proceedings in times of virtual hearings: the shaking of a cornerstone?The spread of Covid-19 triggered the increase in the use of virtual hearings and technology. This raised some concerns over confidentiality in arbitration.
29MagCOVID-19 emergency and processing of health data for scientific research purposesThe Italian version of this article was first published on Diritto 24 - Il Sole 24 Ore. The health emergency due to the spread of COVID-19 has made the need to correctly manage the processing of health data for scientific research purposes even more topical.
21MagCOVID-19 – Second round of government measures: furlough extension, dismissal ban, and other employment measuresBy means of Law Decree No. 34 of May 19, 2020, known as the “Decreto Rilancio” (the “19 May Decree”), and the new provisions on health and safety protocol (the “H&S Protocol”) executed on April 24, 2020, new measures have been put in place that deal with the reopening phase (commonly known as Phase 2) and the effects of the lockdown on business over the next few months.