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22LugNovità per gli appalti nel Decreto SemplificazioniIl decreto-legge 16 luglio 2020, n. 76 (c.d. Decreto Semplificazioni) introduce significative novità in materia di appalti pubblici allo scopo di fronteggiare situazioni di urgenza e particolare necessità legate alla pandemia.
21LugMeasures taken by the Italian Government to support the economy in the COVID-19 pandemicThis article first appeared in Volume 17, Issue 4 of International Corporate Rescue and is reprinted with the permission of Chase Cambria Publishing - www.chasecambria.com
25GiuSupply of personal protective equipment in the European Union – end of the authorization regimeIn response to the COVID-19 emergency, the Commission took measures to protect the availability of supplies of personal protective equipment, namely by adopting two Implementing Regulations, which required exports of such equipment outside of the European Union to be subject to an export authorization from Member States.
25GiuImplementation of the registered exporter system: extension of the transition period until December 31, 2020Due to the COVID-19 emergency, Member States have the possibility to extend the transition period for the application of the registered exporter (REX) system until December 31, 2020.
25GiuCyber Security & Litigation: practical tips on how to avoid a data breach and how to handle it - Part 1: Prevention is better than cureBy radically changing our working habits, the new coronavirus heightened existing protection needs to a whole new level of urgency.
19GiuPatient Support Program in digitale, come farlo bene e a normaAnche in seguito all’emergenza, i Patient Support Program stanno trovando ampia diffusione. Ciò rende necessario un intervento normativo che guidi gli operatori del settore nello sviluppo dei programmi, soprattutto in caso di PSP digitali. Nel frattempo, il Codice Deontologico di Farmindustria può essere assunto come guida
15GiuToscana ed Emilia Romagna si avvalgono dell’iniziativa di investimento della Commissione europea in risposta al CoronavirusLa Commissione europea ha approvato la richiesta dell’Emilia Romagna e della Toscana volta a reindirizzare 30 milioni di euro del Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale (“FESR”) per fronteggiare le conseguenze socio-economiche della crisi dovuta alla diffusione del COVID-19.Articolo inserito in: COVID-19
12GiuTrial clinici “a distanza”, un investimento a prova di futuroLe misure eccezionali messe in campo da Aifa durante l’emergenza fanno da apripista per nuovi modelli più efficienti. Dal monitoraggio centralizzato all’adozione di tecnologie per la source data verification, ecco gli strumenti cardine per spingere una completa digitalizzazione del processo
11GiuMasks, disinfectants, and serological tests: regulatory issues relating to products to be used in phases 2 and 3 of the emergency periodAfter the lockdown, for correct management of phases 2 and 3, products such as masks and disinfectants become even more essential in containing and preventing the spread of COVID-19.
11GiuVenture Capital watch: how COVID-19 is affecting and will affect VC transactions with a specific focus on the life sciences and healthcare sectorsThe COVID-19 outbreak is affecting VC transactions all over the world. Challenges but also opportunities may arise in sectors that will shape the post–COVID-19 world.