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15MarFor the first time, the European Commission fines car manufacturers for collusion over technical development of emission technologiesOn November 12, the European Commission fined automotive manufacturers—namely Daimler, BMW, and the Volkswagen Group — for a total amount of EUR 875,189,000 for breach of Article 101(1) of the Treaty of Functioning of the European Union and Article 53(1) of the European Economic Area Agreement.
27LugPortolano Cavallo nomina Elisa Stefanini partnerPortolano Cavallo annuncia oggi la nomina a partner dell’avvocata Elisa Stefanini, già counsel dello Studio, di cui fa parte dal 2017.
20MagAuto connesse, le linee guida EDPB: focus sul trattamento dati dei veicoliLa rivoluzione digitale dell’industria automobilistica procede speditamente e richiede una rapida risposta alle nuove sfide del mercato in una logica d’insieme che tenga conto dei molteplici profili, regolatori, antitrust, IP e data protection. Le indicazioni dello European Data Protection Board
14AprCOVID-19 vaccine production: The European Commission issues a comfort letter on cooperation between companies in the supply chainOn March 25, 2021, the European Commission (hereinafter, the “Commission”) issued a “comfort letter” on the compliance of the “Matchmaking Event – Towards COVID-19 vaccines upscale production” (hereinafter, the “Matchmaking Event” or the “Event”) with EU competition law.
24FebRestaurants, platforms, and contractual imbalance in the COVID eraThe pandemic has highlighted tensions and contradictions inherent in a model that is allowing many restaurants to remain open
16DicAntitrust e mercati digitali, la Ue cambia approccio con il New Competition ToolCon il “New Competition Tool”, la Ue mira a colmare le lacune delle attuali regole di concorrenza europee, consentendo un intervento tempestivo ed efficace nei confronti dei problemi strutturali che caratterizzano alcuni mercati, anche quello digitale. Ecco in cosa consiste il nuovo approccio
20OttEuropean Commission opened a public consultation on motor vehicle block exemption regulationOn October 12, 2020, the European Commission opened a public consultation to assess whether the objectives of Commission Regulation (EU) No. 461/2010 of May 27, 2010 on the application of Article 101(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to categories of vertical agreements and concerted practices in the motor vehicle sector (the “MVBER”) have been achieved.
11GiuMasks, disinfectants, and serological tests: regulatory issues relating to products to be used in phases 2 and 3 of the emergency periodAfter the lockdown, for correct management of phases 2 and 3, products such as masks and disinfectants become even more essential in containing and preventing the spread of COVID-19.
9GiuItalian Competition Authority approves two emergency cooperation projects: one for joint distribution of surgical masks and one common moratorium scheme on consumer lendingFor the first time the Italian Competition Authority applied the communication of April 24, 2020, on cooperation agreements in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak. The two cooperation projects concern the joint distribution of surgical masks and a common moratorium scheme on consumer lending.
28AprThe expansion of Italian foreign investment control in the COVID-19 eraDuring the COVID-19 outbreak the Italian Government expanded its power to veto or impose conditions on transactions involving Italian targets operating in certain sectors (so-called “Golden Power”).