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25GenLa telemedicina in Italia, come è cambiata dal covid in poi: interventi e prossimi stepDurante e dopo la pandemia, la telemedicina è stata al centro di una serie di importanti interventi del legislatore. A questi si aggiungono ora i fondi del PNRR per 1 mld di euro. Tali risorse e il ruolo delle regioni nel garantirne l’implementazione saranno di fondamentale importanza.
26OttItalian Bankruptcy Law: An endless saga?While waiting for the new crisis and insolvency code (the “Bankruptcy Code”) to come into force, in August 2021 the Italian government released yet another installment in the saga of the reform of Italian bankruptcy law. Law Decree 118/2021 (the “August Decree”) amends a few sections of the Italian bankruptcy law (Law 267/1942: “Italian Bankruptcy Law”) and with immediate effect implements certain tools of the Bankruptcy Code that the government deemed urgently needed in the post–Covid-19 economy.
8OttAs of October 15, 2021, in Italy, no salary without a Green PassThe Italian government has enacted what is known as the “Green Pass bis Decree” (Law Decree no. 127 of September 21, 2021), introducing urgent measures to ensure the safe performance of public and private work through the extension of the scope of application of COVID-19 green certification (“Green Pass”) and the strengthening of the screening system.
13LugVaccinations in the workplace: Balancing public health and data protectionOn April 6, 2021, the Italian government, trade unions, and various employers’ associations agreed upon and adopted a national protocol permitting employers to facilitate vaccinations by organizing vaccination clinics in the workplace.
18MagVendite online di medicinali contraffatti: le raccomandazioni AIFA e le attività di contrastoPreoccupa l’incremento delle vendite di medicinali contraffatti online attraverso canali non autorizzati. Fenomeno ancor più pericoloso in questo periodo di pandemia. Il punto sulla normativa, le attività di enforcement delle autorità e le raccomandazioni dell’Agenzia italiana del farmaco
14AprCOVID-19 vaccine production: The European Commission issues a comfort letter on cooperation between companies in the supply chainOn March 25, 2021, the European Commission (hereinafter, the “Commission”) issued a “comfort letter” on the compliance of the “Matchmaking Event – Towards COVID-19 vaccines upscale production” (hereinafter, the “Matchmaking Event” or the “Event”) with EU competition law.
13AprEU and the Digital Green Certificate: New challenges and opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemicOn March 17, 2021, the European Commission presented a proposal to create a Digital Green Certificate to facilitate the free movement of citizens within Member States during the COVID-19 pandemic while ensuring public health safety.
12AprCOVID-19: Transparency mechanism in the export of COVID-19 vaccines outside EUDue to persistent delays in deliveries of vaccines to the EU, on March 11, 2021 the European Commission adopted the new Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/442, renewing, with amendments, through the end of June, the transparency and authorization mechanism for COVID-19 vaccine exports.
9AprThe “Pharmacy of Services” becomes more and more realIn recent months, under the pressure of the COVID-19 emergency, pharmacies have become more and more involved in the delivery of healthcare services to patients, in support of healthcare facilities and operating under the umbrella of the NHS.
25MarCertificato verde digitale, come funziona e quali sono gli impatti privacyLa Commissione europea ha presentato la proposta di regolamento volto all’introduzione di un Certificato verde digitale per lo spostamento in sicurezza tra gli Stati membri UE nel corso della pandemia di coronavirus: vediamo quali sono i trattamenti dati attuati, alla luce del GDPR