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26OttItalian Bankruptcy Law: An endless saga?While waiting for the new crisis and insolvency code (the “Bankruptcy Code”) to come into force, in August 2021 the Italian government released yet another installment in the saga of the reform of Italian bankruptcy law. Law Decree 118/2021 (the “August Decree”) amends a few sections of the Italian bankruptcy law (Law 267/1942: “Italian Bankruptcy Law”) and with immediate effect implements certain tools of the Bankruptcy Code that the government deemed urgently needed in the post–Covid-19 economy.
21LugMeasures taken by the Italian Government to support the economy in the COVID-19 pandemicThis article first appeared in Volume 17, Issue 4 of International Corporate Rescue and is reprinted with the permission of Chase Cambria Publishing - www.chasecambria.com
23AprCOVID-19 emergency: Italian Government measures to support liquidity through the banking systemEmergency measures for facilitating the access of business operators to bank financings and securing lenders’ exposure in case of difficult recovery of granted loans.
10AprDecreto Liquidità: le principali misure a favore delle imprese volte a garantire la continuità aziendaleIl Decreto Liquidità ha sospeso l'applicazione di alcune disposizioni della legge sull'insolvenza per impedire agli operatori economici di liquidare le loro attività o di incorrere in procedure concorsuali a causa di COVID-19.
12MarAlert: Coronavirus hits the Business Crisis CodeArticle 11 of Legislative Decree No. 9 of March 2, 2020 on COVID-19 postpones the entry into force of the reporting obligations set forth by the Business Crisis Code.
23AprSotto attacco ospedali e deviceQuesto articolo a firma di Agnese Codignola è stato pubblicato in data 29 marzo 2018 all’interno dell’inserto speciale “Cybersicurezza – La nuova privacy” del quotidiano finanziario Il Sole 24 Ore .Articolo inserito in: Life Sciences-Healthcare, Privacy & Cyber Security, Contratti Commerciali, Crisi d'impresa
26LugRecent Changes to Italian Bankruptcy LawIn an effort to re-launch the economic growth, with Law Decree No. 83/2012 (so called “Decree on Development”) the Italian government, inter alia, implemented several significant changes to Italian Bankruptcy Law (legge fallimentare). Since 2005 the focus of the Italian Bankruptcy Law has shifted from liquidation to reorganization of distressed companies through reorganization plans and/or…Articolo inserito in: Crisi d'impresa