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13AprEU and the Digital Green Certificate: New challenges and opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemicOn March 17, 2021, the European Commission presented a proposal to create a Digital Green Certificate to facilitate the free movement of citizens within Member States during the COVID-19 pandemic while ensuring public health safety.
12AprCOVID-19: Transparency mechanism in the export of COVID-19 vaccines outside EUDue to persistent delays in deliveries of vaccines to the EU, on March 11, 2021 the European Commission adopted the new Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/442, renewing, with amendments, through the end of June, the transparency and authorization mechanism for COVID-19 vaccine exports.
9AprThe “Pharmacy of Services” becomes more and more realIn recent months, under the pressure of the COVID-19 emergency, pharmacies have become more and more involved in the delivery of healthcare services to patients, in support of healthcare facilities and operating under the umbrella of the NHS.
25MarUso dei dati sanitari a fini didattici e di pubblicazione scientifica: le indicazioni del Garante privacyIl Garante per la protezione dei dati personali ha approvato il primo codice di condotta nel settore pubblico per l’uso dei dati sanitari a fini didattici e di pubblicazione scientifica. Lo scopo è di contribuire alla corretta applicazione del GDPR nel settore sanitario. Vediamo perché è importanteArticolo inserito in: Life Sciences-Healthcare, AgendaDigitale, Data Protection, Privacy & Cyber Security
25MarCertificato verde digitale, come funziona e quali sono gli impatti privacyLa Commissione europea ha presentato la proposta di regolamento volto all’introduzione di un Certificato verde digitale per lo spostamento in sicurezza tra gli Stati membri UE nel corso della pandemia di coronavirus: vediamo quali sono i trattamenti dati attuati, alla luce del GDPR
1MarE-prescriptions now available also for drugs not reimbursed by the NHSOn December 30, 2020, the Ministry of Economy and Finance adopted a decree that provided the possibility for doctors to issue e-prescriptions for drugs not reimbursed by the National Health Service.
26FebForeign investment control regulations: extension of COVID-19–related rules and new list and definition of strategic assets with a brief focus on the health industryAt the end of 2020, important regulatory measures regarding Italian foreign investment control regulations (known as the Golden Powers) were enacted.
22FebNo competitive procedures are needed to execute research agreements with public entities: The Italian administrative court of last instance overturns the TAR decisionThe Italian administrative court of last instance closed litigation concerning a research agreement between a public hospital and a private company for the evaluation of certain molecular and serological tests to diagnose COVID-19.
18FebTelemedicine: The New National GuidelinesHealthcare services provided remotely are officially a part of the National Healthcare Service, now that the State-Regions Conference has approved the document entitled “National guidelines for the provision of telemedicine services,” drafted by the Ministry of Health.
1FebNuove Linee Guida nazionali sulla telemedicina: i nodi critici per la piena attuazioneLe nuove Linee Guida sulla telemedicina sono un documento atteso da tempo, ma la strada per la messa a terra delle indicazioni è ancora lunga. Ecco i punti critici