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12NovGli statuti nelle operazioni di private equity dal 2008 al 2012Scarica la ricerca completa La riforma del diritto societario del 2004 ha previsto per gli statuti di società la possibilità di contenere pattuizioni tipiche delle operazioni di private equity (tag-along, drag-along, clausole di riscatto, etc.), mentre anteriormente alla riforma la maggior parte di tali clausole potevano essere esclusivamente inserite nei patti parasociali. Tale innovazione è…
12NovIl product placement cinematografico e televisivoNegli ultimi anni (dopo lo “sdoganamento” operato nel 2004 dal Decreto Urbani) ha conosciuto grande fortuna anche in Italia il product placement cinematografico, che da decenni costituisce un’importante fonte di finanziamento del cinema americano (e non solo). Inoltre, nel 2010 il Legislatore ha introdotto una disciplina che regola il product placement televisivo, le cui potenzialità…
8NovArbitration in Italy and around the world a brief comparative overview of international and domestic arbitration: 4 key differencesArbitration is a common way of resolving commercial disputes in today’s business landscape. Especially in instances of complex disputes, parties are increasingly turning away from national dispute forums and are instead entrusting one or more arbitrators with the task of settling their disputes. The steady growth in popularity of arbitration can be observed both in…Articolo inserito in: Contenzioso
2NovNew italian rules on transfers of call centers outside ItalyOn August 7, 2012, the Italian Parliament approved Law no. 134 which converted into law Decree no. 83/2012, of June 22, 2012, on certain urgent measures to foster the economic growth of Italy, which, among others, introduced new rules in connection with transfers outside Italy of call centers which employ at least 20 workers (“Law”)…Articolo inserito in: Tecnologie
1NovQuestions over technological protection measures for games consolesIntroduction On July 26 2012 the Court of Milan referred to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) for a preliminary ruling in connection with technological protection measures applied to video game consoles (Case 355/12, Nintendo Co, Ltd). The ECJ referral follows a long-running dispute between Japanese gaming company Nintendo and Italian company PCBox Srl, which…
25OttPrimo round di novità normativa in tema di start up: il decreto-legge “sviluppo bis”Il c.d. secondo Decreto Crescita (il “Decreto”) approvato dal Consiglio dei Ministri lo scorso 4 ottobre è stato firmato dal Presidente della Repubblica e pubblicato in Gazzetta Ufficiale il 19 ottobre. Il Decreto è in vigore dal 20 ottobre e, entro 60 giorni da tale data, dovrà essere convertito in legge, altrimenti cesserà di produrre…Articolo inserito in: Startup e Venture Capital
18OttOn-demand streaming raises compensation issuesScope There are two types of streaming: live and on-demand. Live streaming is the real-time broadcasting of live events over the Internet. On-demand streaming, which is the focus of this update, is the transmission of audiovisual content – previously stored on a server – at a time and place chosen by the user (ie, on…
16OttCopyright protection of design: approach of italian courts and italian law after ecj’s decision in flos vs semeraroIntroduction The manufacture and marketing of products which slavishly imitate the stylistic and aesthetic features of pieces of Italian design has been the subject of recent Italian Courts’ decisions aimed at the protection and valorization of the Italian industrial design through the enforcement of copyright protection. Directive 98/71/EC on the legal protection of designs was…
11Ott“Made in Italy”: something you need to know when managing commercial relationships with italian manufacturersIntroduction The Italian manufacturing industry is composed of many firms which are family businesses, are small/medium-sized and, generally speaking, are not assisted by attorneys or a law firm in their day to day activities. As a consequence, it is very common that parties entering into a commercial relationship do not sign a comprehensive supply agreement….
9OttGuidelines from the italian data protection authority on personal data breaches in the electronic communications sectorIntroduction By virtue of the implementation in Italy of the e-Privacy Directive 2009/136/EC (which amended Directive 2002/58/EC) (“e-Privacy Directive”) on May 28, 2012,[i] providers of publicly available electronic communications services are now subject to strict requirements to deal with personal data breaches. In line with the e-Privacy Directive, the Italian Data Protection Code (Legislative Decree…Articolo inserito in: Tecnologie