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3AprThe Italian ‘Google Vividown’ case: ISPs’ liability for user-generated contentOn 21 December 2012, the Milan Court of Appeals overturned the decision issued in 2010 by the Court of Milan in the ’Google Vividown’ case. Filed on 27 February 2013, the Court of Appeals’ decision was based on and confirmed the general principle that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have no general duty to monitor user-uploaded content on their systems. Laura Liguori…Articolo inserito in: Tecnologie
3AprProtecting Brands on the Internet — A Look at Approaches Taken by the EU, US and ItalyIntroduction Online advertising is the backbone of the internet business model. However, the practice by online advertisers in bidding to use keywords purchased from search engines featuring famous brand names may hurt brand owners’ reputation or divert consumers. Moreover, the internet offers more opportunities for counterfeiters...
28MarGoogle Suggest, suggerire non è diffamare: lo dice il tribunaleGoogle non è civilmente responsabile per le eventuali offese che vengano fuori dalle sue funzioni di “competamento automatico” e “ricerche correlate”...
19MarItaly moves to protect IPSomething new is happening in Italy, in terms of both trademark and copyright protection. Firstly Italian Courts have recently issued significant decisions which granted copyright protection to design works against their slavish reproduction by third parties. And secondly a shut-down of web-sites offering counterfeit products has been ordered by the Italian Antitrust Authority that found…Articolo inserito in: Brand, Diritti, Contenzioso, Fashion, Internet & Ecommerce, Proprietà Intellettuale
14MarQuando il VIP twitta per spotSe i VIP si mettessero a fare pubblicità su Twitter che regole si applicherebbero? E chi le farebbe rispettare? ...
13MarConflicts of interests: how many fingers can you put in one pot?Introduction In 2012 the $21 billion Kinder Morgan bid for El Paso was challenged before the Delaware Court of Chancery due to alleged breach of fiduciary duties by both advisers and company executives. A billion-dollar deal, a chief executive officer with underlying motives and conflicted investment banks are the perfect elements of a modern play…
7MarLe 10 cose che cambieranno i media italiani nel 2013È sempre brutto polemizzare con un intero ordine professionale, soprattutto in merito a singoli episodi, ma in certi casi non si può ignorare l’evidenza: gli astronomi maya hanno sbagliato completamente i conti...Articolo inserito in: Brand, Diritti, Internet & Ecommerce, Pubblicità, Marketing, Tecnologie, Televisione
4MarItalian Authorities join forces with Italian Companies in fighting Counterfeits and PiracyAn increasing number of recent cases show a new Italian perspective on non-traditional IPR remedies, such as shut-down of web-sites found liable for unfair commercial practices, tax evasion, unlawful data processing. Regarding counterfeit, below a few basic information on the criteria used by the Italian Antitrust Authority (AGCM) in connection thereto. On January 23 2013,…
20FebAssembling the privacy jigsaw: analysing recent amendmentsItaly’s data protection framework, as set forth by Legislative Decree of 30 June 2003, No. 196 (Data Protection Code), has been significantly amended over the last year. However, the piecemeal approach of the legislature has created uncertainties, noted by the Garante in November 2012, which stated the current system is “complex and difficult to read”, requesting…
12FebDubbi e quesiti di startappari ed investitori sul tema start up innovativaIn occasione dell’incontro tenuto il 23 gennaio u.s. presso il nostro studio ci sono stati posti numerosi quesiti sulla nuova normativa in tema di start up innovativa. Abbiamo selezionato quelli più ricorrenti che hanno anche animato il dibattito nel corso dell’evento ed ai quali abbiamo cercato di dare una risposta pratica e sintetica, anche a…Articolo inserito in: Diritto del Lavoro, Internet & Ecommerce, Private Equity, Startup e Venture Capital, Tecnologie