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26LugRecent Changes to Italian Bankruptcy LawIn an effort to re-launch the economic growth, with Law Decree No. 83/2012 (so called “Decree on Development”) the Italian government, inter alia, implemented several significant changes to Italian Bankruptcy Law (legge fallimentare). Since 2005 the focus of the Italian Bankruptcy Law has shifted from liquidation to reorganization of distressed companies through reorganization plans and/or…Articolo inserito in: Crisi d'impresa
25LugAncora sulla responsabilità del motore di ricerca: l’ordinanza del Tribunale di Firenze nel caso Meneghetti contro GoogleL’ordinanza del Tribunale di Firenze Una recente ordinanza del Tribunale di Firenze offre alcuni spunti di riflessione sulla questione relativa alla responsabilità del motore di ricerca per i contenuti/informazioni memorizzati nella fornitura del relativo servizio…Articolo inserito in: Brand, Diritti, Contenzioso, Internet & Ecommerce, Proprietà Intellettuale, Startup e Venture Capital
20LugReform of the Italian Labour MarketThe reform of the Italian labour market – known as Riforma Fornero from the name of the involved Ministry of Labour and Welfare – has been enacted as law no. 92 of June 28, 2012 (the “Law”) and is in force since July 18, 2012. The key elements of the Law are new rules on: (i) temporary employment agreements and other contractual arrangements aimed at avoiding abuses...
20LugOrganization of the italian court system and access to the higher courts – the latest reformsThe work recently carried out by Monti’s government has seen a number of reforms being introduced. Some of these affect the way that justice is administered, as if foreign investment is to be encouraged and foreign investors are to be content to submit to Italian jurisdiction, then an efficient court system is fundamental. Here we…Articolo inserito in: Contenzioso
19LugCorte di Giustizia UE: il giudice nazionale non può riformulare il contenuto di una clausola vessatoria inserita in un contratto stipulato tra un professionista e un consumatoreIl caso e le questioni pregiudiziali Con sentenza del 14 giugno 2012, causa C‑618/10, Banco Español de Crédito SA c. Joaquín Calderón Camino (disponibile a questo link) la Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione europea ha affermato alcuni rilevanti principi in materia di clausole vessatorie contenute nei contratti stipulati tra consumatori e professionisti. Nel 2007 il sig…
9LugFormer AGCOM chief on online distribution of creative contentIntroduction In recent months Corrado Calabrò, formerly the chairman of the Communications Authority (AGCOM), took part – during his mandate at AGCOM – in parliamentary hearings(1) in order to clarify AGCOM’s position on certain aspects of a draft regulation(2) which is intended to ensure protection of copyright on electronic communication networks. The draft regulation, which…Articolo inserito in: Brand, Diritti, Internet & Ecommerce, Proprietà Intellettuale, Startup e Venture Capital, Televisione
9LugMarketing vs LegalIl numero e la varietà di iniziative promo-pubblicitarie sul web comporta un costante confronto in azienda tra la creatività dell’ufficio marketing e le molteplici implicazioni di carattere legale applicabili caso per caso. Nello scenario classico, infatti, la persona che desiderava sfruttare la propria immagine si rivolgeva a un fotografo, al quale cedeva l’esercizio dei diritti…Articolo inserito in: Brand, Diritti, Internet & Ecommerce, Proprietà Intellettuale, Pubblicità, Marketing
1LugQ&A ArbitrationA Q&A guide to arbitration law and practice in Italy. The Q&A guide provides a structured overview of the key practical issues concerning arbitration in this jurisdiction, including any mandatory provisions and default rules applicable under local law, confidentiality, local courts’ willingness to assist arbitration, enforcement of awards and the available remedies, both final and…Articolo inserito in: Contenzioso
1LugDoing Business 2013The Doing Business Project provides objective measures of business regulations and their enforcement across 183 economies and selected cities at the subnational and regional level. By gathering and analyzing comprehensive quantitative data to compare business regulation environments across economies and over time, Doing Business encourages countries to compete towards more efficient regulation; offers measurable benchmarks…Articolo inserito in: Contenzioso
1LugQ&A Dispute ResolutionA Q&A guide to dispute resolution law in Italy. The country-specific Q&A gives a structured overview of the key practical issues concerning dispute resolution in this jurisdiction, including court procedures; fees and funding; interim remedies (including attachment orders); disclosure; expert evidence; appeals; class actions; enforcement; cross-border issues; the use of ADR; and any reform proposals…Articolo inserito in: Contenzioso