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27JunFintech e Brexit: quali conseguenze per le imprese operanti dal Regno Unito?Il Fintech che vede Londra come hub europeo di riferimento sarà certamente a vario titolo interessato agli effetti del recesso del Regno Unito dall’Unione europea. Nella comunità fintech in queste ore si sentono voci discordanti sugli effetti che il Brexit produrrà sull’ecosistema londinese...Article filed under: Fintech, Insurtech
20Jun4th Circuit appeals court rules no warrant needed for suspects’ cell-site location dataOn May 31, the U.S. Court of Appeals, 4th Circuit, in a 12-3 decision ruled that a warrant is not needed to obtain suspects’ cell-site location information held by carriers, meaning that a court order, which – unlike a search warrant – does not require to show the court probable cause that a crime has…
9JunEcco come cambierà la disciplina europea sulle piattaforme onlineIl 25 maggio la Commissione europea, nell’ambito della strategia per il mercato unico digitale inaugurata nel maggio dello scorso anno, ha presentato un pacchetto di iniziative volte a modernizzare il quadro legislativo europeo – e quindi a cascata dei singoli stati membri – in materia di fornitori di servizi di media audiovisivi, attraverso una nuova…
16MayJobs Act: only online resignation and termination by mutual consent will be effectiveIntroduction As of March 12, 2016, resignation and termination by mutual consent are not valid if provided in writing; in fact, the Jobs Act’s reform introduces a new mandatory online procedure for such cases. The reform is aimed at countering the blanket resignation phenomenon (i.e. the unlawful practice of requesting that an employee sign a…Article filed under: Labour and Employment
31MarCompliance with eu data protection regulationBy means of an innovative and modern directive (Directive 95/46/EC – the “Data Protection Directive”), in 1995, the European Community adopted its first data protection legislation aimed at providing common legal principles (to be implemented by European Union (“EU”) Member States by means of national legislation) to protect personal data and to align the bases of Member States’ provisions in respect to privacy and data protection.
26FebTermination of managers performing below the expectations of the employerThe trust relationship between employer and manager Dismissal for cause: new clarification of the Italian Supreme Court Final considerations The trust relationship between employer and manager In Italy…Article filed under: Labour and Employment
12JanStabilità 2016: le novità nel mondo mediaSul finire dell’anno, come di consueto, l’attività dei due rami del parlamento è stata dedicata alla discussione e approvazione della legge di stabilità. La stabilità 2016 approvata in via definitiva dal Senato con legge 28 dicembre 2015, n. 208 contiene diverse disposizioni incidenti sul settore media.Article filed under: Entertainment, Internet & Ecommerce, Privacy & Cyber Security, Intellectual Property, Advertising, Promotion, Technologies, Television
19OctItalian Parliament Set to Expand Scope and Effect of Class ActionsOn June 3, 2015, after its initial presentation to Parliament in 2013, the Italian Chamber of Deputies finally approved a groundbreaking bill on class actions in Italy. If approved by the Senate, this bill will significantly expand the scope and impact of consumer class actions. Class Actions Have Had Limited Impact on Businesses So Far…Article filed under: Dispute Resolution
30JulFalse Facebook profiles in ex post defensive monitoring: awaiting the oft-announced reformFacebook false profile for monitoring the employees Defensive monitoring Supreme Court decision Comment False Facebook profiles for monitoring employees In a recent case a worker was dismissed for cause because, during working hours, he was chatting on Facebook (“FB”), leaving machinery of which he was in charge unattended. Before this episode, the worker…Article filed under: Labour and Employment
26MayThe regulation on ‘innovative’ startups in ItalyThe Italian government in the past few years enacted a new regulation, which have recently been amended and updated (the ‘Regulation’),[i] aimed at encouraging innovation through the creation and development of new companies qualified as ‘innovative startups’.Article filed under: Startup