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17SepIs it lawful to remotely monitor employees’ work activities through the use of surveillance systems?Italian legal framework The acquisition and use of personal data from workplace surveillance systems is currently unregulated in Italy. Article 134 of Legislative Decree no. 196 (June 30, 2003), “Personal data protection Code” (hereinafter, “Privacy Code”) states only that the Data Protection Authority (hereinafter, “the Authority”) supports the introduction of a code of professional conduct…Article filed under: Labour and Employment
10SepItalian implementation of European Directive No. 2009/110/EC offers new business opportunities for electronic money institutionsOn April 28, 2012 Italy officially published Legislative Decree No. 45. The Decree, enacted on April 16, 2012, implements European Directive No. 2009/110/EC (“ELMI 2”), which amends prior EU legislation on electronic money. ELMI 2 creates an improved legal framework designed to strengthen the internal market while ensuring adequate supervision and a level playing field…
10SepMercato unico digitale: proposta di nuova direttiva europea sulla gestione collettiva dei diritti e sulle licenze multi-territoriali per le opere musicali onlineL’11 luglio 2012 la Commissione europea ha presentato una proposta di direttiva volta ad ammodernare i meccanismi di gestione collettiva dei diritti relativi alle opere musicali favorendo l’introduzione di sistemi di licenza su base multi-territoriale per le opere rese disponibili online per i consumatori europei...
3AugCould ISPs be Forced to Take Action to Guarantee Individual’s “Right to be Forgotten”? From the “Right to be Let Alone” to Control over Personal DataIn recent years technological innovations and the expanding range of services available on the internet have conjured up an every-increasing variety of new issues for data protection. While social networks allow personal data to be continuously shared…
27JulItalian Labour Reform: New Provisions on Regulating Resignation and Termination by Mutual Consent• Introduction • New provisions on regulating Resignation and Termination by Mutual Consent • Sanctions • Conclusion Introduction The Law June 28, 2012 no. 92 (the “Law”) – in force since July 18, 2012 – has modified several aspects of working relationship. The Law introduces provisions that regulate Resignation and Termination by Mutual Consent…
26JulRecent Changes to Italian Bankruptcy LawIn an effort to re-launch the economic growth, with Law Decree No. 83/2012 (so called “Decree on Development”) the Italian government, inter alia, implemented several significant changes to Italian Bankruptcy Law (legge fallimentare). Since 2005 the focus of the Italian Bankruptcy Law has shifted from liquidation to reorganization of distressed companies through reorganization plans and/or…Article filed under: Insolvency
25JulAncora sulla responsabilità del motore di ricerca: l’ordinanza del Tribunale di Firenze nel caso Meneghetti contro GoogleL’ordinanza del Tribunale di Firenze Una recente ordinanza del Tribunale di Firenze offre alcuni spunti di riflessione sulla questione relativa alla responsabilità del motore di ricerca per i contenuti/informazioni memorizzati nella fornitura del relativo servizio…Article filed under: Brand, Rights, Dispute Resolution, Internet & Ecommerce, Intellectual Property, Startup
20JulReform of the Italian Labour MarketThe reform of the Italian labour market – known as Riforma Fornero from the name of the involved Ministry of Labour and Welfare – has been enacted as law no. 92 of June 28, 2012 (the “Law”) and is in force since July 18, 2012. The key elements of the Law are new rules on: (i) temporary employment agreements and other contractual arrangements aimed at avoiding abuses...
20JulOrganization of the italian court system and access to the higher courts – the latest reformsThe work recently carried out by Monti’s government has seen a number of reforms being introduced. Some of these affect the way that justice is administered, as if foreign investment is to be encouraged and foreign investors are to be content to submit to Italian jurisdiction, then an efficient court system is fundamental. Here we…Article filed under: Dispute Resolution
19JulCorte di Giustizia UE: il giudice nazionale non può riformulare il contenuto di una clausola vessatoria inserita in un contratto stipulato tra un professionista e un consumatoreIl caso e le questioni pregiudiziali Con sentenza del 14 giugno 2012, causa C‑618/10, Banco Español de Crédito SA c. Joaquín Calderón Camino (disponibile a questo link) la Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione europea ha affermato alcuni rilevanti principi in materia di clausole vessatorie contenute nei contratti stipulati tra consumatori e professionisti. Nel 2007 il sig…