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9JulFormer AGCOM chief on online distribution of creative contentIntroduction In recent months Corrado Calabrò, formerly the chairman of the Communications Authority (AGCOM), took part – during his mandate at AGCOM – in parliamentary hearings(1) in order to clarify AGCOM’s position on certain aspects of a draft regulation(2) which is intended to ensure protection of copyright on electronic communication networks. The draft regulation, which…Article filed under: Brand, Rights, Internet & Ecommerce, Intellectual Property, Startup, Television
9JulMarketing vs LegalIl numero e la varietà di iniziative promo-pubblicitarie sul web comporta un costante confronto in azienda tra la creatività dell’ufficio marketing e le molteplici implicazioni di carattere legale applicabili caso per caso. Nello scenario classico, infatti, la persona che desiderava sfruttare la propria immagine si rivolgeva a un fotografo, al quale cedeva l’esercizio dei diritti…Article filed under: Brand, Rights, Internet & Ecommerce, Intellectual Property, Advertising, Promotion
1JulQ&A ArbitrationA Q&A guide to arbitration law and practice in Italy. The Q&A guide provides a structured overview of the key practical issues concerning arbitration in this jurisdiction, including any mandatory provisions and default rules applicable under local law, confidentiality, local courts’ willingness to assist arbitration, enforcement of awards and the available remedies, both final and…Article filed under: Dispute Resolution
1JulDoing Business 2013The Doing Business Project provides objective measures of business regulations and their enforcement across 183 economies and selected cities at the subnational and regional level. By gathering and analyzing comprehensive quantitative data to compare business regulation environments across economies and over time, Doing Business encourages countries to compete towards more efficient regulation; offers measurable benchmarks…Article filed under: Dispute Resolution
1JulQ&A Dispute ResolutionA Q&A guide to dispute resolution law in Italy. The country-specific Q&A gives a structured overview of the key practical issues concerning dispute resolution in this jurisdiction, including court procedures; fees and funding; interim remedies (including attachment orders); disclosure; expert evidence; appeals; class actions; enforcement; cross-border issues; the use of ADR; and any reform proposals…Article filed under: Dispute Resolution
8JunLondra 2012 e ambush marketingCon l’approssimarsi dei Giochi Olimpici di Londra 2012 è tornato di stretta attualità il tema del contrasto all’ambush marketing, locuzione con cui vengono comunemente indicate tutte quelle pratiche messe in atto da soggetti economici per sfruttare in maniera non autorizzata – cioè senza un previo accordo contrattuale con gli organizzatori – il richiamo mediatico di…
28MayLegislative decree 69/2012 implements in Italy the E-privacy directive 2009/136/ecOn May 28, 2012 the Italian Government issued Legislative Decree no. 69/2012 (“Decree”) implementing in Italy Directive no. 2009/136/EC (which amended Directive 2002/58/EC – “e-Privacy Directive”). The Decree, which entered into force on June 1, 2012, amended the Italian Data Protection Code (Legislative Decree of June 30, 2003, no. 196) introducing new requirements for providers…
25MayIl caso private outlet: per la prima volta l’agcm sospende in via cautelare l’accesso ad un sito webCon il provvedimento n. 23349 del 6 marzo 2012, l’Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato (“AGCM”) ha sanzionato la società Private Outlet S.r.l. per pratiche commerciali scorrette inibendo invia cautelare l’accesso ai siti web della società. L’AGCM ha infatti ritenuto la società colpevole di aver diffuso mediante i propri siti web messaggi ingannevoli sulla…
15MayItalian data protection regulator: factual role performed by the parties as a key factor in data controllership assessmentOn April 5, 2012 the Italian data protection authority (“Garante”) issued a resolution which found controllership for a company that used personal data, purchased from another company, for telemarketing purposes. The resolution was published on the Garante’s website on May 8, 2012. The Garante received a complaint from a telephone subscriber who, despite being on…
18AprRepresentations and warranties – remedies for the acquirerRepresentations and warranties under Italian law Legal remedies for infringement Safeguards to add and mistakes to avoid Court ruling on consequences of infringement Comment Representations and warranties under Italian law Representations and warranties have been imported into Italian M&A law from US practice and are now one of the main aspects of almost any deal…