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14MarItalian government approves new rules on foreign investment in strategic sectorsOn March 9 the Italian Government approved a Law Decree setting forth for the first time a broad set of governmental intervention and veto powers in certain strategic sectors: defense; energy; transportation; communications. This new set of rules will have a significant impact on companies operating in such sectors. In particular, the new rules include…Articolo inserito in: Mergers & Acquisitions, Private Equity, Regolamentare, Startup e Venture Capital
12MarServices contract: the client is not exempt from liabilities on health and safety of contractor’s employeesBackground Recent Supreme Court case law Conclusion Background According to Article 26 of Legislative Decree no. 81 of April 9, 2008, as amended by Legislative Decree no. 106 of August 3, 2009 (“Testo Unico sulla Sicurezza sul Lavoro”) the client is the main responsible for the safety of all the employees, including those of the…
7MarEx post defensive monitoring of email and protection of employer’s assetsRemote and defensive monitoring The case of the dismissed bank employee Supreme Court decision on defensive monitoring Practical consequences Remote and defensive monitoring As described in our previous article (“Italy: Remote monitoring and defensive monitoring of employees in the internet age”, published in October 2010), Article 4 of Law 300/1970 – known as the Statute…
6MarService contracts: criteria for ‘genuine’ contractsFocus on service contracts Recent Labor Court Decision and identification of genuine contracts Minister of Employment order Comment Focus on service contracts The increasingly common use of outsourcing has resulted in the Italian labour courts paying closer attention to the provisions of service contracts and, in particular, to the criteria for identifying such a contract…Articolo inserito in: Diritto del Lavoro
6MarIl tar Lazio boccia nuovamente il piano di numerazione automatica dei canali della televisione digitale terrestre: quale sarà la decisione finale del Consiglio di Stato?Dopo le sentenze del 24 giugno 2011, n. 5633 e 29 luglio 2011, n. 6814 (la cui esecutività è stata sospesa in sede cautelare dal Consiglio di Stato), il T.A.R. Lazio torna a pronunciarsi incisivamente in tema di numerazione automatica dei canali della televisione digitale terrestre (Logical Channel Numbering – “LCN”) con sentenza del 26…
27FebCorporate capital increases: share premium and minority interestsPurposes and functioning of share premiums In most corporate capital increases, where new shares are issued the company usually determines the selling price, adding an additional sum to the nominal value of the shares. The difference between the nominal value and the selling price of the shares is known as the share premium. The reason…Articolo inserito in: Mergers & Acquisitions
23FebCosta concordia documentary: media issues surrounding investigationsOn January 13 2012 the cruise ship Costa Concordia struck a rock and ran aground near the western coast of Italy. The circumstances of the grounding and the subsequent rescue operation attracted intense media interest in Italy and abroad. Several legal issues have arisen in connection with the broadcast of a television documentary about the…
23FebAlcuni trend in materia di responsabilità dell’internet service providerIn tempi recenti, le corti italiane hanno emesso alcune interessanti pronunce in materia di responsabilità dell’Internet Service Provider (ISP). Tali pronunce hanno evidenziato una distinzione, in realtà non presente in alcuna norma di legge ma fondata su una constatazione fattuale del ruolo svolto dall’ISP, tra: (i) “ISP attivo”, che svolge un ruolo attivo nella trasmissione…Articolo inserito in: Internet & Ecommerce
17FebParticipative financial instruments: what opportunities?Economic crises, debt restructuring and new “instruments” of solution Participative financial instruments (the “Strumenti Finanziari Partecipativi – SFP”) have been introduced by Legislative Decree no. 6 of January 17, 2003 (the “Reform”) by amending the existing article 2346, paragraph 6, of the Italian civil code. This provision reads ”The company may issue financial instruments that…Articolo inserito in: Mergers & Acquisitions
9FebEuropean works quotas for on-demand media service providersIntroduction Under Italian law, audiovisual media service providers (both broadcasters and on-demand media service providers) are required to promote the production and distribution of European works(1) under a quota system. The system reflects the general aims of the EU Audiovisual Media Services Directive (2010/13/EC).(2) The quota system for broadcasters is regulated by Resolution 66/09/CONS of…Articolo inserito in: Televisione