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25FebWorking in Italy in the days of CoronavirusEmergency decrees has been issued to tackle the spread of Coronavirus in “red zones” and other risk areas: “smart working”, allowing employees to work remotely, may be implemented even absent previous agreement between the parties (which is, generally, instead a prerequisite). In compliance with the general obligation to preserve employees’ health, employers must identify alternative measures to minimize risk of infection and preserve the earning capacity of employees not working “smartly”.
10FebThe Italian Competition Authority, the Communications Authority and the Data Protection Authority publish the findings of a joint sector inquiry into the field of big dataOn February 10, 2020 the Italian Authorities for Communications , Competition and Data Protection published the findings of a joint sector inquiry into the field of Big Data (“Investigation”), which lasted almost three years. It was launched on May 30, 2017 to study the functioning and impact of Big Data on the economic, political and social environment and whether the applicable regulatory framework is suitable to address concerns for the protection of privacy, consumers and competition.
5FebApp per la salute: nuove regole di classificazione come dispositivi mediciUna nuova guida sulla qualificazione e classificazione dei software come dispositivi medici fornisce chiarimenti ed esempi concreti per supportare gli operatori nell’interpretazione delle nuove regole sui dispositivi medici e sui dispositivi diagnostici in vitro. Ecco cosa cambia
10JanAutomotive and competition: the new challenges of the digital worldCosì come tutti i settori industriali “tradizionali” anche l'industria dell’automotive non è esente dalle molte sfide tecnologiche provenienti dal mondo digitale
3JanThe US DoJ announces that a former senior vice president of sales and marketing and a dutch national had been extradited to face price-fixing charges (Ullings)On January 13, 2020, the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice announced that a former senior vice president of cargo sales and marketing for Martinair N.V. (Martinair Cargo) and a Dutch national, had been extradited from Italy to the United States to face price-fixing charges.
2JaneCommerce di farmaci e dispositivi medici: vincoli normativi e opportunitàSono molti i vincoli e le incertezze normative che frenano l’eCommerce di farmaci e dispositivi medici, tuttavia sono evidenti anche i benefici e le opportunità che la multicanalità può offrire alle aziende del settore. Il quadro della situazione
5DecCites convention – amendments to the appendices and new decisions and resolutionsFollowing the 18th CITES meeting of the Conference of the Parties (“CoP18”) of last August 2019, on 26th November 2019 New CITES Appendices and new suites of Resolutions and Decisions entered into force.
26NovLegali d’azienda e avvocati: la parola chiave è "alleanza"La costante ricerca di un modus collaborandi efficace al centro di un incontro organizzato da Portolano Cavallo. Focus sul litigation. Sempre più apprezzato il coinvolgimento degli in houseArticle filed under: Dispute Resolution
19NovMachine learning: così insegniamo il diritto italiano a LuminanceL'articolo a firma di Claudia Morelli è stato pubblicato in data 18/11/2019 sul sito di Altalex
31OctDistribution and marketing of drugs in Italy: overviewA Q&A guide to distribution and marketing of drugs law in Italy.Article filed under: Life Sciences