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21NovEuropean court of justice on online sales in the context of a selective distribution networkOn October 13 2011 the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled on restrictions on online sales, clarifying that selective distribution agreements imposing a general and absolute ban on the sale of cosmetics and personal care products by selected (authorised) distributors to end-users via the internet might result in contrast with EU competition rules. The ECJ…Articolo inserito in: Internet & Ecommerce
15NovUse of registered trademarks in domain names – when and how to obtain seizureAn Italian court has recently held that if a website wrongfully uses a registered trademark in its domain name, and if a court order is sought to require an Italian internet service provider (ISP) to block access to the website, such an order cannot be granted unless the applicant produces evidence of the website’s illicit…Articolo inserito in: Internet & Ecommerce
14NovIl rebus dell’applicazione va all’esame di assonimeLuci e ombre nell’applicazione delle norme in merito all’addizionale del 10% sugli emolumenti variabili corrisposti a dirigenti e collaboratori di imprese operanti nel settore finanziario. Queste le principali indicazioni contenute nella circolare Assonime 28 ottobre 2011 n. 27, che in più parti sottolinea i dubbi applicativi di una normativa non chiara e dalla incerta interpretazione…
11NovInvestigation into Apple over iPod and iPad Warranties?On September 9 2011 an Italian consumer association, the Centro di Ricerca e Tutela dei Consumatori e degli Utenti, published a press release announcing that the Italian Competition Authority had initiated an investigation into four companies on the basis of the association’s claim of alleged unfair commercial practices relating to warranties for Apple iPods and…Articolo inserito in: Internet & Ecommerce
31OttMeasures for the promotion of production and distribution of european works by on-demand audio-visual media servicesAs part of this month’s Legal Focus, we take a look at the Italian Telecommunications sector by speaking to Ernesto Apa, partner at Italian law firm, Portolano Colella Cavallo Studio Legale. The industry globally has seen the latest wave of mergers and acquisitions prompted by the effects of the recession, however, the Italian industry is…Articolo inserito in: Televisione
9OttAsset deals: the right choice under italian law?When structuring an acquisition, vendors and acquirers often opt for an asset deal, taking into account their respective needs and the advantages offered by this type of structure...Articolo inserito in: Mergers & Acquisitions
6OttProtection of television programmes on video-sharing platformsOn September 15 2011 the Court of Milan published its grounds for a decision issued on May 19 2011, in which Yahoo! Italia Srl was found liable for infringement of copyright held by Reti Televisive Italiane SpA (RTI) in respect of television programmes that were uploaded and displayed on Yahoo! Italia’s online video-sharing platform...Articolo inserito in: Proprietà Intellettuale
9SetECJ rules on trademark protection online and intermediaries’ liability – l’Oréal v EbayOn July 12 2011 the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) ruled on trademark protection on the Internet and the extent to which operators of online marketplaces can be held liable for trademark infringements by users (Case C-324/09, L’Oréal SA, Lancôme parfums et beauté & Cie SNC, Laboratoire Garnier & Cie, L’Oréal (UK)…
8SetFinal regulations on the digital dividend beauty contestOn July 8 2011 the final regulations on the procedure for allocating the internal digital dividend was published in the Official Gazette. The assessment and allocation procedure – or beauty contest – will be held to allocate six digital terrestrial multiplexes to network operators for the purpose of establishing six national digital television networks. The…Articolo inserito in: Tecnologie
7SetProgrammi tv v.m. 14 e v.m. 18: quali regole?Il 1° agosto l’AGCOM ha pubblicato dei Chiarimenti interpretativi sulla trasmissione di film vietati ai minori di anni 18 e 14. L’Autorità è partita dal dato letterale del comma 1 dell’art. 34 del Decreto legislativo 31 luglio 2005, n. 177 (Testo unico dei servizi di media audiovisivi e radiofonici), ribadendo che (i) ai film senza…Articolo inserito in: Televisione