Jan 24
Artificial intelligence and health care: News and issues in light of guidance from the Italian Data Protection Authority and the WHO
The use of AI in the healthcare field could facilitate improvement of treatment and prevention, and result in more effective allocation of resources in the field. However, there is trepidation about the consequences of possible errors and incorrect use.
Nov 23
The digital caregiver: Insights from the 4th AFI Patient Day
The term caregiver is commonly used to identify a person who provides day-to-day care for someone who is not self-sufficient. This may be a family member of the patient or a paid person.
Jun 23
Data protection enforcement in the healthcare: What can we learn from it?
In recent years, since the GDPR was fully implemented and inspections focused on enforcement of the new rules began, the Italian Data Protection Authority has focused on breaches of the rules applicable to processing health data in the context of the Electronic Health Record, the Health File, and online medical reports.
Jun 23
The metaverse in healthcare: What are the legal implications?
For some time now, there has been talk of the metaverse as a tool with great potential for increasing opportunities for treatment, research, and training in healthcare.
Sep 22
The 2021 annual law for market and competition addressing, as to the healthcare sector, reimbursement of drugs, intermediate distribution, patent linkage and institutional accreditation of private healthcare facilities entered into force on 27 August
The 2021 annual law for market and competition addressing, as to the healthcare sector, reimbursement of drugs, intermediate distribution, patent linkage and institutional accreditation of private healthcare facilities entered into force on 27 August
The Italian association of pharmaceutical companies published a new version of the Code of Professional Conduct, regulating relations between pharmaceutical companies and their relations with the scientific and healthcare sectors