Jun 24
Online medicine sales and the processing of purchase data: The Court of Justice of the European Union rules
Data related to purchasing non-prescription medicine sold online by an authorized pharmacy should not be considered health-related data under the GDPR.
Apr 24
Online sale of medicines without a prescription: The Court of Justice of the European Union approves intermediary sites
The Court of Justice of the European Union intervened on a major issue for the online medicine sales industry, paving the way for the entry of intermediary platforms.
Feb 23
The CJEU rules on the legality of a national law prohibiting medicinal product advertising to the general public that uses price to induce consumers to purchase
In the recent judgment of December 22, 2022 in Case C-530/20, the CJEU ruled that European law and in particular Directive 2001/83/EC are compatible with a national law that prohibits advertising even unidentified medicinal products if the advertising message encourages the purchase of the products by leveraging pricing, promotional offers, discounts, and combined sales with other products, medicinal or otherwise (including at discounted prices).
Sep 21
European Court of Justice focuses on the requirements for the cross-border online sale of non-prescription medicines
On July 8, 2021, the European Court of Justice ruled on the interpretation of Directive 2001/83/EC in case C-178/20.
Apr 21
Pay-for-delay: The Court of Justice clarifies the scope of “by object” restrictions and “potential competition” in patent settlement cases
On March 25, 2021, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled on appeal in the Lundbeck case, confirming the previous judgement of the General Court that upheld the decision of the European Commission on pharmaceutical “pay-for-delay” agreements.
Dec 20
Botanical health claims: Clarification from the Court of Justice of the European Union
On September 10, 2020, the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) ruled on health claims referencing the effects of plant or herbal substances, commonly known as botanical substances (“Botanicals”), in case C-363/19.