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19NovMachine learning: così insegniamo il diritto italiano a LuminanceL'articolo a firma di Claudia Morelli è stato pubblicato in data 18/11/2019 sul sito di Altalex
8JanTV, AL LAVORO SULLE QUOTE EUROPEEQuesto articolo a firma di Andrea Secchi è stato pubblicato in data 5 gennaio 2019 su ItaliaOggi.
24AprThe EU Commission sends a statement of objection to a multinational company operating in the telecommunications sector alleging a breach of the merger regulation (Altice / PT Portugal)On May 18, 2017, the European Commission (the Commission) sent a “statement of objections” [1] to Altice – a Netherlands-based multinational company operating in the telecommunications (TLC) sector – alleging that it breached the EU Merger Regulation (Regulation N. 139/04, or EUMR) by implementing the acquisition of PT Portugal prior to the Commission’s clearance of the concentration or even prior to the notification of the transaction (so called gun jumping).
20DecThe Italian Competition Authority imposes FRAND licensing to a local newspaper in a paradigm for the essential facility doctrine applied to copyrights (Società Iniziative Editoriali)On 20 December 2017, the Italian Competition Authority (or “ICA”) issued a rare infringement decision in an abuse of dominance investigation against the publisher of a local daily newspaper (“SIE”), which refused to deal with a player (the “complainant” or “Euregio”) in the downstream local market for daily media intelligence services.