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18MarCOVID-19 - Personnel management and measures in favor of employers and employeesEmployers need to do their part during the COVID-19 outbreak in order to preserve the psychological and physical wellbeing of employees.
17MarCOVID-19 outbreak and data processing in the employment context: how to lawfully carry out employee temperature screening and surveysEmployers can carry out temperature screenings of employees and conduct health surveys regarding their most recent instances of “close contact” as preventive measures against the COVID-19 outbreak.
25FebWorking in Italy in the days of CoronavirusEmergency decrees has been issued to tackle the spread of Coronavirus in “red zones” and other risk areas: “smart working”, allowing employees to work remotely, may be implemented even absent previous agreement between the parties (which is, generally, instead a prerequisite). In compliance with the general obligation to preserve employees’ health, employers must identify alternative measures to minimize risk of infection and preserve the earning capacity of employees not working “smartly”.
8MayPlateformes numériques: des employeurs (pas) comme les autres?Uber, Deliveroo, Foodora, Airbnb, on ne compte plus les plateformes de mise en relation par voie électronique entre un client et un travailleur facturant une prestation de service. Le phénomène se développe partout où l’on peut trouver une connexion internet.
20MarTrasfert d'entreprise: quel sort pour les contrats de travail?Qu’il s’agisse de la cession de l’entière entreprise ou uniquement d’une branche de celle-ci, le maintien des contrats individuels de travail a-t-il un avenir en France et en Italie?
18JanDroit à la déconnexion: le point de vue comparé France/ItalieDans un monde “connecté” en permanence, la sphère professionnelle, après avoir pris acte du phénomène et en particulier de l’accélération des échanges d’informations via l’utilisation généralisée des outils numériques, commence à réagir, à réfléchir et c’est finalement le législateur lui-même qui est appelé à intervenir sur le sujet…
9NovCross-border posting in Italy: new rules applicable to the mandatory communications as of december 26, 2016On October 27, 2016, the Italian Ministry of Labor and Welfare published in the National Official Gazette the Decree of August 10, 2016 (the “Decree”), providing new rules applicable to the mandatory communication to be made by employers before the starting date of the secondment of their employees in Italy. According with the Decree, within…Article filed under: Labour and Employment
16MayJobs Act: only online resignation and termination by mutual consent will be effectiveIntroduction As of March 12, 2016, resignation and termination by mutual consent are not valid if provided in writing; in fact, the Jobs Act’s reform introduces a new mandatory online procedure for such cases. The reform is aimed at countering the blanket resignation phenomenon (i.e. the unlawful practice of requesting that an employee sign a…Article filed under: Labour and Employment
26FebTermination of managers performing below the expectations of the employerThe trust relationship between employer and manager Dismissal for cause: new clarification of the Italian Supreme Court Final considerations The trust relationship between employer and manager In Italy…Article filed under: Labour and Employment
30JulFalse Facebook profiles in ex post defensive monitoring: awaiting the oft-announced reformFacebook false profile for monitoring the employees Defensive monitoring Supreme Court decision Comment False Facebook profiles for monitoring employees In a recent case a worker was dismissed for cause because, during working hours, he was chatting on Facebook (“FB”), leaving machinery of which he was in charge unattended. Before this episode, the worker…Article filed under: Labour and Employment