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18MarThe “right to be forgotten” privacy and online newsRecently, the Spanish Data Protection Authority (“Agencia Española de Protección de Datos – AEPD)ordered Google to delete links on its search engine to any website containing out of date or inaccurate information about individuals and, thus, breaching their “right to be forgotten”. Now, Google is challenging the AEPD’s order in a Madrid Court, since, in…Articolo inserito in: Internet & Ecommerce
18MarA new scenario for Italy: the compulsory mediation of civil and commercial disputesIn March 2010 the government approved a legislative decree to implement the EU Mediation Directive (2008/52/EC). Legislative Decree 28/2010 introduced a compulsory mediation stage for resolving civil and commercial disputes. The decree’s ambitious aim is to reduce the number of cases pending before the Italian courts and thereby cut the duration of a typical lawsuit…Articolo inserito in: Contenzioso
16MarSelective distribution for cosmetics and eu competition rules on online salesOn March 3 2011 the European Court of Justice (ECJ) Advocate General Ján Mazák issued a non-binding opinion on Pierre Fabre Dermo-Cosmétique SAS v Président de l’Autorité de la Concurrence and Ministre de l’Économie, de l’Industrie et de l’Emploi (Case C-439/09). In it, Mazák argues that selective distribution agreements which impose a general and absolute…
13MarIncroci stampa-tv intervengono AGCOM e AGCML’Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato (“AGCM”) e l’Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni (“AGCOM”) hanno richiamato l’attenzione sulla criticità del conflitto d’interessi nel settore della comunicazione a seguito della conversione in legge (legge 26 febbraio 2011, n. 10 – “Legge di Conversione”) del cosiddetto “decreto milleproroghe” (decreto-legge 29 dicembre 2010, n. 225). Il…Articolo inserito in: Televisione
10MarAgcom fight piracy with greater availability of contentOn December 17 2010 the Communications Authority (AGCOM) issued a draft paper on the protection of copyright on electronic communication networks, attachment B to Resolution 668/10/CONS, published in the Official Journal on January 3 2011. The public consultation on the paper closed on March 4 2011, but the debate about many of the issues that…Articolo inserito in: Regolamentare
2MarTerritorial exclusivity agreements on transmission of football matched appers contrary to eu lawOn February 3 2011 the European Court of Justice (ECJ) Advocate General Juliane Kokott issued a nonbinding opinion that broadcasters cannot prevent consumers in the United Kingdom from using cheaper foreign satellite television equipment to watch Premier League football matches, as this is contrary to the free movement of services within the European Union (Premier…Articolo inserito in: Televisione
1MarAll’emittente locale viene vietato l’accesso allo stadio. Quali limiti al diritto di ricercare le informazioni?Lo scorso 19 dicembre avverse condizioni meteorologiche (una forte nevicata) hanno imposto il rinvio del derby Sampdoria – Genoa che avrebbe dovuto disputarsi presso lo stadio Luigi Ferraris di Genova. Fin qui, la notizia non presenta alcuna particolarità. Piuttosto, ha suscitato numerose polemiche la decisione di vietare l’ingresso allo stadio all’emittente televisiva locale Primocanale “per…Articolo inserito in: Televisione
1MarShould companies choose to pay indemnity in lieu of notice in the event of dismissal?Pursuant to Section 2118 of the Civil Code, and except in certain cases (ie, in the event of termination for cause or during a probationary period), employers and employees are entitled to terminate a permanent employment agreement provided that they comply with the obligation to give the counterparty adequate notice.Articolo inserito in: Diritto del Lavoro
28FebItaly’s proposal on internet regulation – dawn of new eraOn December 22 2010 the Italian Communications Authority (AGCOM) published a draft regulation (Annex B to AGCOM Resolution 668/10) which relates to AGCOM’s powers in respect of the protection of copyright on electronic communications networks. Among other things, it states that user-generated content websites such as YouTube could fall within its scope of application and…Articolo inserito in: Internet & Ecommerce
23FebLeveraged buyout and tax abuse – supreme court changes courseOn January 21 2011 the Supreme Court released a judgment incorporating significant views on tax abuse in cross-border corporate restructurings. The court rejected the tax authorities’ claim in relation to the existence of an allegedly abusive scheme.