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15MayItalian civil procedural law: things are moving forwardGenerally speaking the duration of trials is recognized as one of the most critical issues facing the Italian court system. The latest statistics show that an average of 844 days goes by from the day a claim is filed to the day the Court delivers its decision. While that number is fairly reflective of general…
4MarECJ clarifies Database Directive scope in screen scraping caseOn January 15, 2015 the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) handed down a decision concerning the interpretation of Directive 96/9/EC on the legal protection of databases (Database Directive) in a case concerning the extraction of data from a third party’s website by means of automated systems or software for commercial purposes (so…
2MarSignificant changes to improve the Italian labour market: economic benefits and new rules on dismissal of new hiresThe reform of the Italian labour market Economic benefits of new hiring New rules on dismissal Change of dismissal procedure and introduction of the fast and simplified conciliation agreement New rules on consulting and cooperation agreements...Article filed under: Labour and Employment
27JanYahoo! Vs RTI: a new era for ISP’s liability in Italy?On January 7, 2015 the Court of Appeal of Milan, business division, issued a very interesting decision in the case Yahoo! Italia S.r.l. + Yahoo! Inc. (hereinafter also collectively ‘Yahoo!‘) vs RTI S.p.A (the major Italian private broadcaster) overturning a decision issued on May 2011, 19 by the Tribunal of Milan. Here you can find the decision…
15JanLinee guida dell’Article 29 Data Protection Working Party sul diritto all’oblio dopo la sentenza della Corte di Giustizia nel caso Google SpainIl 26 novembre 2014 l’Article 29 Data Protection Working Party (organo consultivo indipendente istituito in conformità all’articolo 29 della Direttiva 95/46/CE sulla protezione dei dati personali – di seguito “Working Party”) ha pubblicato delle linee guida (“Linee Guida”) per l’implementazione della pronuncia della Corte di Giustizia resa nel caso Google Spain SL, Google Inc. c. Agencia Española de Protección de Datos, Mario Costeja González (causa C−131/12).
9DecIdentità ed eredità digitaliIl Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato ha istituito – insieme all’Università Bocconi di Milano, a Google, a Microsoft e allo studio legale Portolano Cavallo – un tavolo di lavoro per trovare soluzione al problema dell’eredità digitale e dell’identità digitale. Consulta la rassegna stampa: Affari Italiani - Eredità ed identità digitali: quale futuro per i vostri…
21NovItalian managers and collective redundancy: the European Court of Justice extends collective redundancy procedure to dirigentiThe decision of the European Court of Justice The amendments provided by Legge Europea 2013-bis Indennità di mobilità The decision of the European Court of Justice The European Court of Justice, in its decision of 13 February 2013 (C 596/2012), declared that Italian Law no…Article filed under: Labour and Employment
13NovA new reform of the Italian civil procedure: towards a more efficient system?Last week the Italian Parliament converted into law Law Decree no. 132 of September 12, 2014 (the “Decree”) on measures aimed at reducing the backlog in civil proceedings. The Decree is part of a comprehensive reform of the Italian civil and criminal procedure systems recently announced by the Renzi government and is aimed, among other…Article filed under: Dispute Resolution
28AugItaly’s new data protection rules for mobile paymentsOn 22 May 2014, the Italian Data Protection Authority (‘DPA’) issued a Resolution (‘Resolution’) providing new rules on data protection for payments through mobile remote payment services (e.g. smartphone devices and tablets)…
29JulA new Action Plan on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in EU: Toward a copyright modernization in Europe?On July 1st the European Commission issued two new communications related to the enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPRs). The first communication focused on IPR protection between the EU and non-EU countries while the other aimed at building a “…