Portolano Cavallo
Startup and
Venture Capital

Portolano Cavallo Startup and Venture Capital Blog  / Startup and Venture Capital
21 Mar 23
Subscription Agreement for Future Equity
Portolano Cavallo provides founders and investors with a “Subscription Agreement for Future Equity”, an off-the-shelf template for an agreement for funding the initial steps of an innovative company.
3 Mar 22
Investing in biotech
At the end of last year, our partners Luca Gambini and Antonia Verna talked to Elizabeth Robinson, vice chairman of the board of Indaco Venture Partners, and Ciro Spedaliere, partner in Claris Ventures SGR S.p.A., about the last trends in venture capital investments in the biotech sector.
24 Feb 22
The Council of Ministers has approved a Law Decree introducing new measures to support the reconversion of the automotive industry with a fund of 1 billion euros per year for the next 8 years. The Decree also provides for further investments in R&D and  reconversion of existing sites aiming at supporting the production of industrial components.
2 Feb 22
When shareholder agreements can be classified as contracts in favor of third parties
The Italian Supreme Court recently ruled that, in order to classify a shareholder agreement as a contract in favor of a third party pursuant to Section 1411 of the Italian Civil Code, it is necessary to ascertain the specific intention of the shareholders to bind themselves toward a third party by granting the latter a subjective right.
26 Oct 21
Ten tips for starting an innovative and sustainable new business
Ten tips for managing and developing a new business in an innovative and sustainable way, including from an organizational and managerial standpoint, with an ambitious and clear perspective.
10 Aug 21
Five questions to: Lisa Di Sevo
Watch the video interview (in Italian) of our Antonia Verna with Lisa Di Sevo, Partner at PranaVentures and Chairman at She Tech Italy.
Welcome to the Portolano Cavallo Startup and Venture Capital blog, focusing on key legal issues and market trends affecting startups and the venture capital industry.
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Our enthusiastic and passionate team of professionals will provide newsinsight, and multidisciplinary commentary on the hottest and most recent provisions of law and investment and market and contractual trends in the startup and venture capital sector with an eye not only to the Italian market but to the entire European and international ecosystem.

This blog will be a place for sharing information and experiences related to the launch of new innovative businesses, discussing the different characteristics of investment rounds in the seed, early stage, and growth phases, and looking at trends in venture capital transactions.

The main purpose of this blog is to contribute to the growth of the Italian venture capital ecosystem by helping the Italian community develop domestic and international connections.

April 21, 2022
Investimenti sostenibili 4.0: an aid scheme of around €677 million for new innovative and sustainable investments will be available to SMEs from May 18, 2022, with the aim of fostering the...
February 24, 2022
The Council of Ministers has approved a Law Decree introducing new measures to support the reconversion of the automotive industry with a fund of 1 billion euros per year for the next 8 year...
November 4, 2021
The European Startup Nations Alliance (ESNA) has been launched to support states in ensuring their startups have the best conditions to grow at every stage of their life cycle
May 5, 2021
Draft of Sostegni bis decree: until 2025, innovative startups and SMEs’ investors will not pay 26% tax on capital gains on the sale of stakes owned for at least three years, provided that ...
April 9, 2021
Convegno annuale AIFI 19 aprile 2021 “Recovery e Private Capital”: crescita significativa del venture capital italiano, 378 milioni investiti (+40%), 306 investimenti (+82%).
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