Dec 20
Toward the digital transformation in healthcare: The Garante’s FAQs on electronic health record and online reports
In recent months, the Italian Data Protection Authority (“Garante”) has again addressed the implementation of technological solutions in the healthcare sector.
Oct 20
Telemedicine: Lombardia and Piemonte give the green light to televisits
Since this summer, two additional regions have agreed to allow and recognize televisits at the Regional Health System (“RHS”)’s expenses.
Oct 20
Remote clinical trials: from emergency to new normal
This article first appeared on the website of the Healthcare and Life Sciences Law Committee of the Legal Practice Division of the International Bar Association, and is reproduced by kind permission of the International Bar Association, London, UK. © International Bar Association.
Apr 20
AIFA: latest indications for "remote" clinical trials during the COVID-19 health emergency
On April 7, 2020, the Italian Medicines Agency (“AIFA”) provided guidance on the management of clinical trials in light of the restrictive measures adopted by the Government against the COVID-19 pandemic.
Apr 20
COVID-19 emergency: increasingly dematerialized prescriptions
In order to reduce the spread of Covid-19, on March 19 the Head of the Civil Protection Department adopted an ordinance (“Ocdpc 651/2020” or “Ordinance“) allowing a citizen to receive from his/her physician an electronic prescription number (numero di ricetta elettronica – “NRE“), which is necessary to get a prescription drug from a pharmacy, without going to the doctor’s office.
Feb 19
The European Commission issues a recommendation on a European electronic health record exchange format
On February 6, 2019, the European Commission issued a Recommendation concerning the development of a European Electronic Health Record (EHR) exchange format (Recommendation no 243/2019), which can be found on the following website: https://bit.ly/2X2qhAq.