New AIFA guidelines on simplification and decentralization of clinical trials
The AIFA approved guidelines concerning simplification and decentralization of clinical trials of medicines, on the same day as those on observational studies.
New AIFA guidelines on observational studies and decentralized clinical trials: Digital tools increasingly in focus
The AIFA issued two new guidelines, focusing, respectively, on observational studies and clinical trials for medicinal products.
Clinical investigations on medical devices: four ministerial decrees setting out procedures for submitting applications/notifications and requirements for facilities and assessing persons, implementing Lgs. D. 137/2022, were published on 13 and 14 June.
Clinical investigations on medical devices: four ministerial decrees setting out procedures for submitting applications/notifications and requirements for facilities and assessing persons, implementing Lgs. D. 137/2022, were published on 13 and 14 June.
Apr 23
Decentralized clinical trials: Recommendation paper for the implementation of uniform procedures in the European Union published
On December 13, the long-waited European Recommendation paper on decentralised elements in clinical trials was finally published, to provide Member States further and more detailed guidance on the implementation of procedures for conducting trials outside of clinical trial centers.
Feb 23
New decrees for the reorganization of ethics committees have been signed: The last fundamental steps for operation of the CTR in Italy
On January 30, the Ministry of Health finally signed four ministerial decrees that mark fundamental turning points in the construction of a regulatory framework for the European Clinical Trials Regulation (“CTR”) to become operations.
<!--:it-->Clinical trials: Ministry of Health signed off on decrees that (i) reorganize ethics committees and coordinate their activities, (ii) determine the single tariff for the authorization procedure and (iii) regulate the transitional period for evaluation activities<!--:-->