Portolano Cavallo

Life Sciences


Portolano Cavallo Life Sciences Blog
3 Oct 17
Diligent requirements for life sciences deals and earn-outs
Contingent payments (a.k.a. earn-outs in transactions among private companies, and contingent payment rights (CPRs) in transactions among listed companies) are a very common and valuable component of purchase price constructs in today’s life sciences and healthcare M&A deals.
2 Oct 17
Relevance of prosecution history in the assessment of the patent infringement by equivalents: a new trend in Italy
In a recent urgent decision, the Court of Milan held that the prosecution history must be taken into account, and is therefore relevant when assessing patent infringement by equivalence.
1 Oct 17
The Consiglio di Stato rules Italian regions cannot introduce restrictions to the prescription of innovative drugs
The Italian administrative court of last instance (“Consiglio di Stato”), in its recent ruling no. 4546 of 29 September, 2017, stated that Italian regions cannot issue recommendations to limit the prescription of innovative drugs compared to those established by the Italian Agency for Medicines (the “AIFA”).
5 Sep 17
A new regime of pharmacy ownership in Italy: opportunities opened for investors
The recent competition Law No. 124 of 4 August 2017 has several noteworthy consequences for the ownership and management of pharmacies in Italy, with the purpose of enhancing competition and opening the sector to investors.
Welcome to the Portolano Cavallo Life Sciences blog focusing on legal development and key legal issues affecting the Life Sciences-Healthcare industry.
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Our highly-ranked team of professionals will provide news, insights and multidisciplinary commentary on the hottest and most recent regulatory, transactional and contentious aspects of the pharmaceutical, bio-tech, med-tech, food supplement and healthcare world with an eye on its digital transformation and technological developments.

This blog will be a place for focusing on digital health, telemedicine and artificial intelligence, as well as more traditional topics: from the protection of intellectual properties to performance of clinical trials, from the market access to advertising and competition issues, from internal and criminal investigations to M&A and Venture Capital transactions.

October 6, 2023
CBD products: the Administrative Court suspended until October 24 the recent Decree of the Italian Ministry of Health listing cannabidiol for oral use among narcotic drugs, due to the lack o...
October 4, 2023
The Guidelines for regulating contractual relations between universities and research institutes and private sponsors were adopted by the relevant Italian Ministries following the amendment ...
September 21, 2023
CBS products: from September 20th, compositions for oral administration of cannabidiol obtained from Cannabis sativa extracts shall be considered as narcotic drugs in Italy, as they have bee...
July 27, 2023
Payback on medical devices: Italian government announces extension of payment deadline to October 30, 2023
July 21, 2023
On July 21, 2023, the Italian Ministry of Health published new guidelines on health advertising of self-medication drugs (OTC) and non-prescription drugs (SOP), including advertising on new ...
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