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17SetCOVID-19: New measures to tackle copyright infringement and unfair commercial practicesOn May 19, 2020, the Italian government adopted decree law no. 34, setting out urgent measures with immediate effect to support health, work, and the economy, as well as social policies related to the epidemiological emergency (the “Decree”).
14GenLégislation CITES - Quelles obligations pour les entreprises?Il y a quelques semaines la Maison Chanel a annoncé vouloir renoncer à l’utilisation de peaux exotiques pour ses collections à cause de la difficulté à repérer des sources d’approvisionnement fiables en termes d’intégrité et de traçabilité, conformément à ses propres normes éthiques.
4MarECJ clarifies Database Directive scope in screen scraping caseOn January 15, 2015 the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) handed down a decision concerning the interpretation of Directive 96/9/EC on the legal protection of databases (Database Directive) in a case concerning the extraction of data from a third party’s website by means of automated systems or software for commercial purposes (so…
8GenItaly regulates digital copyright enforcementOn December 12, 2013 the Italian Communications Authority (AGCOM) approved a new regulation on the enforcement of copyright in the context of online and audiovisual media services.This regulation will enter into force on March 31, 2014 and will require compliance with new policies and procedures. A groundbreaking innovation in the Italian and European media landscape for…Articolo inserito in: Brand, Diritti, Contenzioso, Internet & Ecommerce, Proprietà Intellettuale, Regolamentare
18SetColor trademark protection in the fashion industryColors and combinations of colors have been increasingly used to distinguish and identify the origin of products. For example, one could point to the blue and silver colors of the Red Bull can, the teal of Tiffany’s jewellery boxes, the bright red featuring on the soles of Louboutin’s high heels, Cadbury’s use of purple for its chocolate packaging and so on…
2LugCopyright and the vaticanAs an Italian law firm, we are often required to assist television and movie productions involving the Vatican City State (VCS). The first question we are usually asked is which copyright law applies - Vatican law or Italian law? This may be because we are Roman based or because of our media and entertainment expertise or…
22MagTablet e smartphone aziendali: le best practices a difesa della privacySecondo una recente analisi realizzata da Gartner, il mercato dei personal computer ha registrato uncalo significativo nel primo trimestre del 2013 (-13,9% rispetto allo stesso periodo dell’anno scorso) confermando una tendenza ormai costante negli ultimi anni...
9AprPrivacy e app: le regole europeeOgni giorno, all’alba, una gazzella in Africa si sveglia e sa che dovrà correre più del leone. Un leone si sveglia e sa che dovrà correre più della gazzella. E nel frattempo, sui più comuni marketplace virtuali, appaiono circa 1600 nuove applicazioni per dispositivi mobili...
9AprPubblicità: come proteggere creatività ed investimentiLa creatività è un elemento centrale, si potrebbe dire l’essenza stessa, di un’efficace campagna pubblicitaria. Nella pianificazione di una campagna pubblicitaria è importante avere consapevolezza degli strumenti che l’ordinamento mette a disposizione degli inserzionisti per la tutela della propria creatività...
3AprProtecting Brands on the Internet — A Look at Approaches Taken by the EU, US and ItalyIntroduction Online advertising is the backbone of the internet business model. However, the practice by online advertisers in bidding to use keywords purchased from search engines featuring famous brand names may hurt brand owners’ reputation or divert consumers. Moreover, the internet offers more opportunities for counterfeiters...