What innovators say: interviews with the main stakeholders of the innovation scene

We are pleased to launch a series of video and written interviews with players in the venture capital industry. In addition to our timely efforts to provide news and insight on venture capital from a strictly legal perspective, we thought it would be interesting and beneficial to share different points of view from a business perspective, with the aim of enriching and fueling the discussion and helping to circulate ideas.

We began our practice group on venture capital and startups almost 10 years ago and have firsthand experience of how the Italian venture capital market has changed profoundly and how far we still have to go in terms of available financial resources, skills, and loosening legal constraints on investments. We are aware that the best way to support our clients in complex and fast-evolving sectors (the core of our growth since the firm was founded) is to combine our legal knowledge and expertise with in-depth understanding of underlying business drivers and challenges gleaned from ongoing interaction with the industry’s main players and stakeholders.

Founders, managers of incubators, VCs and corporate VCs, business angels, and consultants have different sensibilities, but all strive to support the Italian venture capital ecosystem, especially during this difficult time when the Covid-19 outbreak is really re-shuffling the deck, changing priorities, and posing new challenges—but also creating opportunities.

  • Read our first interview addressed by Antonia Verna and Luca Gambini to Roberta Gilardi (G2 Startups) and Fabrizio Conicella (ZCube – Zambon and OpenZone) on how Covid-19 is affecting the Venture Capital.
  • Five questions to: Maria Ameli
    Watch the video interview (in Italian) of our partner Antonia Verna with Maria Ameli, Head of Corporate, Real Estate and Art Advisory at Banca Generali.

  • Five questions to: Andrea Marangione
    Watch the video interview (in Italian) of our Giorgio Ferrero with Andrea Marangione CEO of Maider Holding and National Vice President of Giovani Imprenditori di Confindustria (Young Entrepreneurs of Confindustria) with delegation to innovation and startups. Andrea is also Founding Partner of Net4Capital.

  • Five questions to: Francesco Malmusi and Marco Rizzi
    Watch the video interview (in Italian) of our Antonia Verna with Francesco Malmusi (Founder MamaClean S.r.l. Lavanderia a domicilio) and Marco Rizzi (Founder Hensoo, Equity Crowdfunding).

  • Five questions to: Francesca Perrone
    Watch the video interview (in Italian) of our Antonia Verna with Francesca Perrone (Head of the UniCredit Start Lab Project).

  • Read Antonia Verna‘s interview to Umberto Milano, Esq., LL.M. at Kellerhals Carrard, about the evolution of the Swiss VC market, the impact of COVID-19, his experience on cross-border transactions between Switzerland and Italy and the most challenging clauses recently negotiated.

  • Five questions to: Leonardo Giagnoni 
    Watch the video interview (in Italian) of our Giorgio Ferrero with Leonardo Giagnoni (Managing Director at Italian Angels for Growth).

  • Five questions to: Sebastiano Peluso
    Watch the video interview (in Italian) of our Antonia Verna with Sebastiano Peluso (Co-founder and Vice-President at Associazione 3040).


  • Five questions to: Lisa Di Sevo
    Watch the video interview (in Italian) of our Antonia Verna with Lisa Di Sevo (Partner at PranaVentures and Chairman at She Tech Italy).

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