March 31, 2022

National Platform for Telemedicine: Agenas launches a request for proposals to set up a Public/Private Partnership

Taking advantage of the resources made available under the Next Generation EU Plan, the Italian Government has decided to launch a project for the planning, implementation and delivery of IT services facilitating access to the National Platform for Telemedicine. The overall goal is to enhance the integration between local services providers and the above Platform, as well as to boost telemedicine services on a national scale. To this purpose, the Italian National Agency for Regional Health Services (Agenas – Agenzia Nazionale per i Servizi Sanitari Regionali) has recently launched a request for proposals (avviso esplorativo per una manifestazione di interesse) aiming at exploring the possibility to set up a Public/Private Partnership (a PPP) pursuant to Section 183 of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016 (the Public Procurement Code or the Code). 

The procedure will be a two-step process. In the first stage, interested operators shall file a feasibility project, complete with a financial plan certified by a financial institution, a draft convention to be entered into with Agenas and the details of the services to be rendered. The selected package will form the object of the following step, consisting of a call for tenders aiming at selecting the operator to be appointed as developer of the project. It is worth noting that the entity successfully passing phase 1 shall be entitled with a pre-emption right for the awarding of the concession to be entered into upon conclusion of phase 2 of the procedure. 

The successfull bidder will be entrusted with an up to 8-year convention to be entered into with Agenas, and will receive a total contribution of up to 200 MLN EUR, in terms of non-repayable grant for the implementation of the services to be rendered and yearly fees to be paid by Agenas. 

Deadline for the filing of the initial project package is May 18th, 2022. 

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