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26LugNew procedural rules to speed-up and make italian litigation more efficientThe recently formed Letta government has issued its first regulation aimed at restarting the Italian economy. This new regulation also concerns the field of justice, since it has several things to say regarding legal proceedings and the reduction of related expenses. In this brief alert we will focus on Law Decree no. 69/2013 (the “Decree”)…Articolo inserito in: Contenzioso
9AprPubblicità: come proteggere creatività ed investimentiLa creatività è un elemento centrale, si potrebbe dire l’essenza stessa, di un’efficace campagna pubblicitaria. Nella pianificazione di una campagna pubblicitaria è importante avere consapevolezza degli strumenti che l’ordinamento mette a disposizione degli inserzionisti per la tutela della propria creatività...
19MarItaly moves to protect IPSomething new is happening in Italy, in terms of both trademark and copyright protection. Firstly Italian Courts have recently issued significant decisions which granted copyright protection to design works against their slavish reproduction by third parties. And secondly a shut-down of web-sites offering counterfeit products has been ordered by the Italian Antitrust Authority that found…Articolo inserito in: Brand, Diritti, Contenzioso, Fashion, Internet & Ecommerce, Proprietà Intellettuale
13MarConflicts of interests: how many fingers can you put in one pot?Introduction In 2012 the $21 billion Kinder Morgan bid for El Paso was challenged before the Delaware Court of Chancery due to alleged breach of fiduciary duties by both advisers and company executives. A billion-dollar deal, a chief executive officer with underlying motives and conflicted investment banks are the perfect elements of a modern play…
8NovArbitration in Italy and around the world a brief comparative overview of international and domestic arbitration: 4 key differencesArbitration is a common way of resolving commercial disputes in today’s business landscape. Especially in instances of complex disputes, parties are increasingly turning away from national dispute forums and are instead entrusting one or more arbitrators with the task of settling their disputes. The steady growth in popularity of arbitration can be observed both in…Articolo inserito in: Contenzioso
11Ott“Made in Italy”: something you need to know when managing commercial relationships with italian manufacturersIntroduction The Italian manufacturing industry is composed of many firms which are family businesses, are small/medium-sized and, generally speaking, are not assisted by attorneys or a law firm in their day to day activities. As a consequence, it is very common that parties entering into a commercial relationship do not sign a comprehensive supply agreement….
25LugAncora sulla responsabilità del motore di ricerca: l’ordinanza del Tribunale di Firenze nel caso Meneghetti contro GoogleL’ordinanza del Tribunale di Firenze Una recente ordinanza del Tribunale di Firenze offre alcuni spunti di riflessione sulla questione relativa alla responsabilità del motore di ricerca per i contenuti/informazioni memorizzati nella fornitura del relativo servizio…Articolo inserito in: Brand, Diritti, Contenzioso, Internet & Ecommerce, Proprietà Intellettuale, Startup e Venture Capital
20LugOrganization of the italian court system and access to the higher courts – the latest reformsThe work recently carried out by Monti’s government has seen a number of reforms being introduced. Some of these affect the way that justice is administered, as if foreign investment is to be encouraged and foreign investors are to be content to submit to Italian jurisdiction, then an efficient court system is fundamental. Here we…Articolo inserito in: Contenzioso
19LugCorte di Giustizia UE: il giudice nazionale non può riformulare il contenuto di una clausola vessatoria inserita in un contratto stipulato tra un professionista e un consumatoreIl caso e le questioni pregiudiziali Con sentenza del 14 giugno 2012, causa C‑618/10, Banco Español de Crédito SA c. Joaquín Calderón Camino (disponibile a questo link) la Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione europea ha affermato alcuni rilevanti principi in materia di clausole vessatorie contenute nei contratti stipulati tra consumatori e professionisti. Nel 2007 il sig…
1LugDoing Business 2013The Doing Business Project provides objective measures of business regulations and their enforcement across 183 economies and selected cities at the subnational and regional level. By gathering and analyzing comprehensive quantitative data to compare business regulation environments across economies and over time, Doing Business encourages countries to compete towards more efficient regulation; offers measurable benchmarks…Articolo inserito in: Contenzioso