Daniela Amhof

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Daniela joined Portolano Cavallo in 2024. 

She leads the firm’s German Desk. With more than 15 years of experience with clients in DACH countries and the Alto Adige region, Daniela can rely on deep knowledge of the area. She is adept at meeting client needs and anticipating their expectations of the Italian market and those of their legal advisors as well.  

Daniela specializes in civil, commercial, and corporate disputes 

Daniela has represented numerous Italian and foreign companies in-court and in arbitration proceedings. She has led the way in dealing with complex commercial disputes, post-M&A disputes, litigation involving abuse of economic dependence and dominant position, and issues of contractual, non-contractual, and pre-contractual liability. 

Daniela is experienced with all aspects of corporate litigation and pre-litigation, ranging from challenges to shareholder resolutions, liability actions against directors and statutory auditors, challenges to financial statements, and actions pursuant to Article 2409 of the Italian Civil Code. She has supported minority shareholders in pre-litigation and represented them at shareholder meetings. 

Before joining Portolano Cavallo, Daniela spent 12 years in the Litigation and Arbitration department of an independent Italian law firm. Before that she worked for a boutique law firm that served German-language clients.  

Daniela earned a Law degree cum laude from the Università di Parma in 2007. 

Daniela is the firm’s representative to the Italian-German Chamber of Commerce (AHK Italien).  

She is a member of the German Arbitration Institute (DIS) Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit e.V. and of the DIJV (Deutsch-Italienische Juristenvereinigung).

She is a member of the Milan Bar Association. 

Languages: German, English 

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