Responses of the European governments to the COVID-19 pandemic and the liquidity crunch (and economic crisis that ensued) have differed: from full lock down to no-lock down; from massive recourse to the state-guaranteed loans to other forms of subsidies. We will look into the recent regulatory measures implemented in five major European countries to overcome the COVID-19 crisis and their pros and cons, and the foreseeable consequences on deal making and investment opportunities in the various industry sectors in these countries. Finally, we will take a quick look at how bankruptcy laws in home jurisdictions respond to the need of ensuring a safe legal framework for distressed acquisitions.
The panel will be moderated by Rose B. Sorensen, Snell & Wilmer L.L.P., Los Angeles (USA).
• Simon Beale, Macfarlanes LLP – London
• Tommaso Foco, Portolano Cavallo – Milan
• Anna Palmérus, Vinge – Göteborg
• Dorothee Prosteder, Noerr LLP – Munich
• Anker Sorensen, De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés – Paris
The webinar will be held in English.