Privacy policy for seminars and events

Pursuant to Section 13 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter “GDPR”) and pursuant to the applicable law, in relation to the personal data that Portolano Cavallo Studio Legale (hereinafter the “Firm”), in its capacity as data controller, will collect as a result of your registration to the present seminar or event, we hereby inform you of the following.

This event is co-promoted with Italian Tech Alliance and Wilson Sonsini  Goodrich & Rosati Professional Corporation (“WSGR”), acting in their capacity as autonomous data controller. Please see their privacy policies:

(a) We will process your personal data, with or without electronic or automated means, only as necessary or useful for the proper performance of your registration, for instance in the case in which the seminar or event is modified in its schedule or is cancelled. Your personal data, in particular your email address, may be used in the future by the Firm – as it constitutes a legitimate interest of the Firm to keep in contact with you – in order to send to you communications concerning other seminars or events similar to the one you have registered to and similar initiatives that are organized by the Firm and that may be of interest to you. Only with your previous consent, we may also process your personal data, in particular your email address, to communicate to you information concerning the Firm (such as our newsletter, information related to legal or judicial news that we think could be of interest to you, etc. ).

(b) The provision of your personal data is voluntary but it is essential for the success of your registration request. The data we collect and process may include your name, surname, address, information about your employment, your email address and your telephone number.

(c) Your personal data will be stored – until it is necessary for the fulfilment of the pursued purposes – in a database that is directly managed by the Firm. Your personal data will be neither communicated to third parties nor disseminated; with your previous consent, your name, surname, company and job title may be disclosed to other participants to the event concerned. Your personal data may be accessible from abroad by authorized employees of the Firm and other subjects duly appointed by the Firm  (this occurs for instance, when the collaborators of the Firm are abroad). Nevertheless, your personal data will not be transferred to any data controller or data processor outside the EEA.

(d) The GDPR confers to you specific rights in relation to your personal data. You have the right to access the personal data you provide us and to ask to receive your personal data in an intelligible format; moreover, you have the right to obtain their update, rectification or integration, and to obtain their erasure. You also have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data or to object, on legitimate grounds, to the processing of your personal data. With reference to the communications of similar future events and seminars, you are free to unsubscribe from such communications at any time. Whether you choose to give your consent for the sending of communications concerning the Firm, you have the right to ask to opt-out from such choice at any time, by clicking on the link present in each communication or by contacting the data controller.

(e) Where you consider that the processing of your personal data has been carried out in violation of the laws on the protection of personal data, without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the national supervisory authority, namely the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali.

(f) The data controller for the personal data you provide is Portolano Cavallo Studio Legale, via Rasella 155, 00187, Rome; tel. +39 06 696661, fax: +39 06 69666544; email: You may contact this email address to exercise your rights concerning your personal data.

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