New version of the code of conduct for offering premium services approved by the italian communication authority

With Resolution no. 108/19/CONS published on April 12, 2019, the Italian Communication Authority released the fourth version of the Code of Conduct for Offering Premium Services(such as logos, ringtones, wallpapers, screensavers, and other multimedia content offered to consumers via SMS, MMS, or data connection to a mobile communications network).

The Code is part of a bigger project aiming to counteract the growing number of unintentional activations of premium services by consumers and incorporate the outcome of a testing phase, started in November 2017, involving the main stakeholders (mobile phone operators and content service providers).

The Code provides specific guidelines for, among other things:

(i) activating subscription services and purchasing single multimedia content (for example, in connection with information provided on the landing page of a website/mobile app);

(ii) the marketing and promotional communication of services directed at consumers.  Guidelines are tailored based on the medium used (print, TV, radio, internet), and specific provisions are outlined in connection with communications mainly aimed at minors, as well as for communications associated with prize contests and prize operations.

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