- Marzo 2022
- Italian Decree Law No. 228 of December 30, 2021 extended the suspension of the environmental labeling requirement
- Dicembre 2021
- A first look at the new German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act
- The European Chemical Agency aims to promote the safe use of chemicals
- Dual-use items: European Commission updates the EU control list of dual-use items in Annex I to recast regulation
- Novembre 2021
- Recent developments in corporate criminal liability
- Restrictive measures against Belarus: Fifth package of sanctions adopted by the Council of the European Union
- Customs: The European Commission has published the 2022 version of the Combined Nomenclature
- Italian Government Vetoes Acquisition of Italian Seeds Producer by Chinese Multinational Group
- Ottobre 2021
- “Defensive controls” on employees in cases of reasonable suspicion do not fall under Section 4 of Workers’ Statute
- Luglio 2021
- Whistleblowing: Are Italian anticorruption authority and Confindustria guidelines inspired by Directive (EU) 2019/1937?
- European Commission publishes a proposal for revised General Product Safety Directive 2001/95/EC (GPSD)
- European Union adopts new regulation no. 2021/821 on dual use
- The supervisory board’s role in evaluating adequacy and effectiveness of 231 Models
- Confindustria published the updated version of the “Guidelines for the construction of organizational, management and control models pursuant to Legislative Decree 8 June 2001, No. 231”
- Giugno 2021
- The role of the DPO in the public sector: New guidance from the Italian Data Protection Authority
- Maggio 2021
- European Commission releases new guidance to help contracting authorities fight collusion in public procurement
- Anti-money laundering: Interconnection of national registers of beneficial owners
- Aprile 2021
- A European approach to the regulation of Artificial Intelligence: The EC publishes its proposal for new rules on AI
- COVID-19: Transparency mechanism in the export of COVID-19 vaccines outside EU
- Marzo 2021
- European global human rights sanctions regime: the council of the European Union sanctions four people responsible for serious human rights violations in Russia