An event organised by the IBA European Regional Forum and IBA Law Firm Management Committee, in cooperation with Università degli Studi ‘Roma Tre’. It is supported by the IBA Young Lawyers Committee and the IBA Law Students’ Committee.
Event Co-Chairs
Hermann Knott Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellchaft, Cologne; Co-Chair, IBA Law Firm Management Committee Gianmatteo Nunziante Nunziante Magrone Studio Legale Associato, Rome; Council Member, IBA Legal Practice Division.
1500 Welcome address
Prof Paolo Benvenuti (Roma Tre)
Hermann Knott
Gianmatteo Nunziante
General overview on large full service law firms, structure and organisation
Stefano Petrecca Macchi di Cellere Gangemi, Rome
Boutique specialised firm v full service firms
Guido Palombi Studio Salonia, Rome
Associates’ career: becoming a partner
Gregorio Consoli Chiomenti, Rome
International law firms: experience from abroad
Oriol Puig Roca Junyent, Barcelona
Foreign counsels: life as a dually qualified lawyer
Martin Hartl Ughi e Nunziante, Rome
Law students’ experience and IBA Law Students’ Committee
Olga Sihtar Rijeka; Projects Officer, IBA Law Students’ Committee
Case story: associates recruited further to the First University Day and Job Fair
Margherita De Carlo Nunziante Magrone, Rome
Presentation of law firms and Job Fair
Who should attend?
This free event is open to law students interested in the Italian legal industry, to all young lawyers interested in practising abroad and to all associates who aim to become partners in large Italian law firms.
Kindly supported, among others, by Portolano Cavallo Studio Legale.