How to seize new opportunities and navigate legal challenges
Practical tips for strategic and financial investors

Approved for WA 1.5 Law & Legal Procedure CLE Credits
The event will be followed by a networking reception featuring European wines and hors d’oeuvres
Join us for a round-table to discuss current trends in doing business across Europe. Partners from leading European law firms and in-house counsel based in the US will share their insights into:
- Outlook of investments between the US and the EU: BREXIT and other hot topics
- EU Privacy/data protection reform and its effects on the transatlantic economic and commercial relationships
- Data privacy considerations in cross-border M&A transactions
- Impact of legal and cultural differences between the US and the EU: TUPE rules, tax structuring and other challenges in deal making
Guest Speaker:
- Laura Lemire – Privacy Attorney, Microsoft Corporation
- Bob Calmes – Head of New York Office – Arendt & Medernach (Luxembourg)
- Rubén Ferrer – Managing Partner of New York Office – Gómez-Acebo & Pombo Abogados (Spain and Portugal)
- Yan Pecoraro – Resident Partner, New York – Portolano Cavallo
- Dirk Sievert – LL.M. (NYU) – Deputy Head, New York Office – Noerr LLP (Germany)
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Limited space
Full program here